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What are the least refined signs of the zodiac

There are signs they need a long time to find out what are the canons of refinement. And they don’t always manage to understand how to behave and how to dress without being a little out of place.

Or simply they have an anonymous style, not very evident. They never try to resort to refined and original detail to stand out from the others, they don’t try to take care of their look more.

They are, perhaps, extraordinary signs in other respects, but aesthetics are definitely not their forte.

Some do so for laziness, but also out of insecurity. For others, however, the exact opposite reasoning applies. That is, they don’t care about their refinement and their style because they feel too sure of themselves and they think they look perfect even with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. In any case, they don’t care about pleasing others. They don’t live off the looks of others, being too focused on their own.

1) Gemini

Men of the sign don’t always care much. They have a high opinion of themselves, so they don’t necessarily feel the need to show off from an aesthetic point of view, because they think they are already perfect without further frills. And then the twins often use to devote themselves to sport, so they do not have much need and desire to appear refined. The gym is their kingdom. Their priority is to look fit and take care of their physique and the tightness of their muscles as much as possible.

2) Cancer

The sign is always very delicate and he would also be very refined if only he did not insist on always remaining in the rear. A little out of laziness, a little out of shyness. It is not clear why, he does not know it either, but he never allows himself the quality detail that could also be useful on a social and professional level. He is satisfied with an anonymous look, reserving refinement for the few moments in his life when he has some exit or some event to follow. With a little bit of effort it could become one of the most refined and delicate in the zodiac.

3) Aquarius

Aquarius sign and sophistication don’t get along very well. In the sense that the native of the sign is always very light, aesthetics are of little interest to him. He just needs a pair of comfortable shoes to travel the world and he feels fine. He is an adventurer, he does not cultivate the ambition to please someone, he does not care. The only thing he cares about is his well-being. If he pleases himself, then others will do well too: this is his daily reasoning.


It certainly does not stand out for its refinement. Her clothing is always very ordinary and sometimes even the ways are not particularly elegant. Indeed, he is a direct type and who therefore often risks appearing indelicate. But he doesn’t care. He is very self-centered, he wants to always appear in the foreground, but, unlike the ram, he cares less about his external appearance because he is convinced that he does not need it. He is so confident that even in jeans he feels elegant and refined at the right point.

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