become an application Telegram One of the best messaging apps around the world, it now has more than 700 million monthly active users. This growth was achieved from personal recommendations, as the company did not spend any money on advertising.
With this growth continuing, Telegram has released a new service called Telegram Premium, with a monthly subscription. It is a service that helps support the continuous development of the application, and gives users access to additional exclusive features. What is Telegram Premium and what are its new features?
What is a service Telegram Premium?
Telegram Premium is a service that is included in the Telegram application but with a monthly subscription, which gives you access to exclusive features, such as uploading large files, downloading media faster, and many other exclusive features.
The contributions of subscribers to Telegram Premium will help improve and expand the application, according to what Telegram indicated in its announcement of the Premium service in its official website.
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Subscribe features Telegram Premium:
After subscribing to Telegram Premium for $4.99 per month, you will get additional features including:
- 4GB file uploads – which is about the size of a 4-hour 1080p video – instead of 2GB, and unlimited storage in the Telegram Cloud. However, all Telegram users will be able to receive and download these large documents, regardless of whether they have a Telegram Premium subscription or not.
- Follow up to 1000 channels instead of 500 in the free version.
- Create up to 20 chat folders, each containing up to 200 chats.
- The ability to add up to 4 accounts with different phone numbers in the Telegram application.
- Pinning up to 10 conversations in the main list instead of 5.
- The ability to reserve up to 20 public links, making any group or channel you create a shortened link.
- Save up to 400 GIFs instead of 200 in the free version.
- Faster download of media and documents.
- Get access to exclusive big stickers, featuring bonus effects and updated monthly, plus thousands of emojis that can be added in chat messages. All of these stickers are visible to all Telegram users.
- The ability to write a profile about you that is longer than usual in the application, with the addition of a link.
- Add animated images to the profile, and they will appear animated to everyone inside the conversations, and in the list of conversations.
- The ability to convert voice messages into written text, so that you can read voice messages instead of hearing them.
- The presence of additional features for privacy and security settings, such as the ability to automatically archive and mute new conversations.
- Stop advertising messages appearing in some public channels.
- Get a special badge that appears next to the name in the conversation list, at the top of the conversation, and in the list of members in groups.
- The ability to change the shape of the main icon of the application on the phone screen, as there are three icons that can be chosen from, which are premium star, night sky, or turbo-plane.