Home » today » News » What are the conditions for applying for an irrigation installation, if there was one as of 2007? – 2024-08-05 14:16:08

What are the conditions for applying for an irrigation installation, if there was one as of 2007? – 2024-08-05 14:16:08

The new ones directions for application by submeasure 4.1 under the procedure “Target acceptance for project proposals for increasing the efficiency of water consumption in agriculture” are published HERE.

The public discussion will be short – until August 12.

What is new in the conditions is the possibility to apply not only for investments in existing installations for irrigationbut also for those in which such an installation was operating as of January 1, 2007.

Here’s what’s new in the application conditions:

(This is a sample of the terms. Please follow the link above to read the full text)

23. Financial assistance is provided for investments in irrigation installations for irrigation of agricultural crops, if:

23.1. are in accordance with the River Basin Management Plan for the relevant region, in whose territorial scope the investments will be made;

23.2. by the date of submission of the project proposal for the areas for which the business plan has been developed, the applicant has secured access to irrigation services and/or is the holder of a valid permit for water abstraction under ЗВ and the parameters and conditions in the permit are fulfilled.

23.2.1. The valid permit for water abstraction under the ЗВ must have been issued before 01.01.2024. It is permissible for the water abstraction permit to have been issued after 01.01.2024 only for applicants whose areas for which the business plan was developed fall within the scope of the areas in which an irrigation system was operating as of January 1, 2007. DFZ-RA performs an official check in the data available in ISAK, based on RMS No. 512 of 2000, and applicants can make an inquiry about a given land property at the following email address: https://napoiavane.nps.bg.

23.2.2. Access to the “supply of water for irrigation” service is certified by a contract concluded with a branch of “Irrigation Systems” EAD or with an irrigation association and/or with a document from them certifying the possibility of providing the service “supply of water for irrigation”;

23.3. water consumption measuring devices are available or planned for purchase and installation within the planned investments within the project proposal;

23.4. there is an effective administrative act issued pursuant to chapter six of the Environmental Protection Act and/or ZBR, or a letter issued pursuant to art. 2, para. 2 of the Ordinance on the conditions and procedures for carrying out an assessment of the compatibility of plans, programs, projects and investment proposals with the subject and objectives of the protection of protected areas (Government Gazette, No. 73 of 2007), which approves the implementation of the investment proposal.

24. Investments for irrigation installations are permissible within the irrigated areas, provided that:

24.1. provide at least 15 percent potential water savings when using water from a water body identified in the relevant current River Basin Management Plan (RBMP) at least in good ecological status – for surface waters, or good quantitative status – for groundwater;

24.2. provides at least a 15 percent potential water savings and an effective reduction in water consumption of not less than 50 percent of the potential savings when using water from a body of water determined to be in less than good ecological or quantitative status in the relevant current PURB and an exception under Art. 156c or 156e of the Civil Code.

24.3. For the areas in which as of January 1, 2007 Not an irrigation system was in operation, to prove that the irrigation installations on the farm are existing, the applicant presents:

24.3.1. documents (invoices, payment orders, bank statements, etc.) for payment for used irrigation water – paid state fees to the relevant Basin Directorate or under a contract for the use of the “supply of irrigation water” service with a branch of “Irrigation Systems” EAD or an irrigation association for at least one of the previous three years (2021, 2022, 2023), and

24.3.2. an inventory book in which the irrigation systems or their elements are reflected (when applicable).

25. The conditions under item 24 do not apply to investments for water storage facilities or to investments that use only recycled water.

26. Investments under item 23, related to a net increase in the irrigated area, are not eligible for support.

27. For each project proposal with investments in irrigation of agricultural crops, there must be an engineering project developed by an engineer entered in the register of the Chamber of Engineers in investment design, legally able to design irrigation systems.

27.1. The engineering project must show the presence of an existing or planned new water consumption measuring device in the agricultural holding and must show fulfillment of the conditions specified in item 24 to item 26.

28. The activities must be agreed through the opinion on admissibility under Art. 155, para. 1, item 23 of the Investment Proposal’s Investment Proposal regarding its compliance with the RBMP and the Flood Risk Management Plan. The admissibility opinion must be issued by the relevant Basin Directorate for Water Management of the Ministry of Environment and Water, in whose territorial scope the investment will be carried out.

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