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What are the benefits of doing Pilates on a wall and what is the 28-day viral challenge?

Physical exercise is part of a healthy life. With a wide variety of exercises for all ages, sport is a fundamental pillar not only to tone muscles, but also to strengthen our mental circuits.

As time passes, pilates became a way of life to people who use it. In addition to strengthening the body, this physical and mental training system helps us to control breathing to reduce tension.

Within pilates there are two variables: the reformer – similar to stretching – where people can put the required weight for different types of exercise and the Matt which is used on top of a mat that serves as support for various movements that stimulate the elasticity of the muscles.

Pilates can be practiced on a reformer or on a mat, as shown in the image

In addition to these two options, which are the most well-known and active, there is also a more homely method that has become a rage on social networks and this is the “pilates wall“, which is aimed at people over 50 years of age who suffer from pain due to a bad condition and limit their movements, affecting your daily routine.

If you do not have the reformer or a simple mat, the wall can be used as a support to support the legs or back and thus create an ideal platform so that our body can move from one side to the other side, without suffering pain or discomfort.

The wall is a great support for practicing Pilatesunsplash

According to the site Woman Todaythe wall is extremely beneficial in Pilates by offering “support to improve postural alignment in complex movements, which helps ensure your technique is correct and you can perform multiple repetitions with confidence that your hips, knees and back are properly aligned“.

In addition to having a large number of exercises available, Pilates offers the flexibility of being able to do it personally, with a teacher who will tell you the appropriate movements, and also almost where the program was created. 28 day viral challenge to get the most out of the wall.

One of the most mentioned exercises on digital platforms, especially on TikTok, is the “glute bridge” where the legs rest on the floor and the torso is tilted in such a way that it takes the shape of a table, while the hands complete the movement by pressing them against the wall. This combination not only improves elasticity, but also benefits the muscles in terms of strength and mobility..

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As a result of this procedure, the user called TikTok @sinsaibynz1 recorded a video with some tips to supplement the 28-day challenge and made sure that this type of exercise contributes to “reduce anxiety and stress” as well as helping tone the muscles of our legs and the abdominal area.

On the other hand, Pilates instructors ensure that, before starting this practice, people should go through the relevant medical examinations to know how their body is going to to resist this activity which, in some cases, requires a large expenditure of energy.


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