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what are the areas lacking in the province of Varese

There are 75 areas lacking in the province of Varese due to the lack of general practitioners. From the survey carried out by the Lombardy Region on the current availability of places, the need to find some doctors emerges.

We remind you that there are no citizens without a doctor of reference but only that the optimal ratio of 1 doctor for every 1300 patients is not insured. As a remedy, other professionals are asked to accept a higher number of patients (from 1500 to 2000) in order to cover the entire request.

The construction of the areas, however, does not reflect the territorial boundaries of the municipalities which are calculated on the basis of the number of resident citizens: it may happen, therefore, that a municipality does not have an outpatient clinic which is instead active in the neighboring country or not far away.


From the photograph of the Region, a current assessment that has even more worrying scenarios in view of further retirements, the areas where the most important deficiencies are recorded are those of Arcisate and Bisuschio where there are 3 free places, Carnago, Caronno Varesino, Castronno, Sumirago with 3 shortcomings. Is Busto Arsizio is Fagnano with Olgiate and Solbiate Olona is Gorla Minore and Maggiore with Marate they offer 4 seats each. TO Gallarate 2 areas are discovered and 4 are a Cassano with Cairate. There are three areas lacking either in the territories of Cislago and Gerenzano both in Saronno.

Two doctors are missing between Sesto and Mercallo and three in the area it covers Cadrezzate, Travedona, Ispra, Comabbio, Ternte, Varano Borghi and Vergiate as well as 3 the shortcomings of Malnate.

Deficit the offer in the area around Lake Varese con Cazzago, Inarzo, Bodio, Galliate, Brinzio, Lozza and Varese where there are 5 areas available.


Less problematic is the offer of free choice pediatricians: in the Varese area there is only one area lacking in the area of Barasso, Comerio, Luvinate, Varese, Brinzio, Casciago.

The issue of local medicine, however, is delicate: the two years of the pandemic have shown the difficulties of a fundamental service. The health reform approved by the Lombardy Region aims to partially remedy by increasing the territorial facilities available to citizens in a sort of collaboration hospital territory. At the moment, however, it still remains de define concrete participation that the treating doctors offer within these aids.

The reconnaissance allowed the Region to call for proposals for the assignment of 1,166 areas for general practitioners: «The shortage of family doctors – commented the vice president and councilor for welfare Letizia Moratti – is a national problem that has been dragging on for years. The issue will only be fully resolved when our system is capable of training the necessary staff in sufficient numbers. in the meantime we work on the reorganization of working times and ways, greater ability of doctors to work together, strengthening of telemedicine and integration with the network of Community Houses that are emerging. These actions can offer valid alternatives ».

Both the League and the Democratic Party have started collecting signatures, in separate banquets, to ask for a prompt intervention by the Government and increase the places available for training. The collection of signatures will take place next weekend.


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