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What are customs regimes?

Lectures: 113

Los customs regimes They are a set of regulations and procedures that regulate the international traffic of merchandise, and are of vital importance for the trade and economy of a country.

In Chile the customs regimes they allow the control and facilitation of the flow of goods, as well as the collection of the corresponding taxes. In this note you will discover in detail the different types that exist, their importance and how they are applied in the country.

Import customs regimes

Import customs regimes are applied when a foreign merchandise is introduced into the national territory. These are subdivided into two categories: permanent and temporary.

In definitive regimes, the imported merchandise remains under the full control of the importer; while in the temporary ones, the product is in the country only for a limited period of time.

Export customs regimes

As in the case of imports, there are also export customs regimes, which are divided into definitive and temporary.

Definitive export regimes apply when a national product is sent abroad permanently; On the other hand, the temporary ones refer to those cases in which the merchandise leaves the country with the intention of returning within an established period.

Importance of customs procedures

The implementation of customs regimes in Chile is essential for the proper functioning of the economy and foreign trade.

Said regimes allow the State to collect the taxes corresponding to the imports and exports of merchandise, thus guaranteeing the protection of the internal market and the promotion of competitiveness in international trade.

In addition, they guarantee transparency in business operations and prevent tax evasion and smuggling. They also ensure compliance with sanitary, phytosanitary, safety and environmental regulations, thus protecting consumers and the national ecosystem.

Procedures and actors involved in customs regimes

To carry out the processes associated with customs regimes, it is necessary for importers and exporters to comply with a series of requirements and procedures. These include the declaration of merchandise before Customs, the payment of taxes and the obtaining of the corresponding permits and certificates.

In Chile, the National Customs Service is the body in charge of supervising and controlling compliance with customs regimes. In addition, in the private sphere, customs agents play a key role in the processing and management of foreign trade operations, since they are the professionals authorized to represent importers and exporters before Customs.

Challenges and opportunities in the customs field

In the current context of globalization and growing economic interdependence, Chile faces challenges and opportunities in the customs field.

One of the country’s main challenges is to maintain competitiveness in international trade, for which the modernization and digitization of customs processes is essential, streamlining procedures and reducing waiting times in import and export operations.

Another important challenge is the fight against smuggling and tax evasion, for which greater coordination between customs authorities and other state agencies is required, as well as the implementation of more efficient technologies and control systems.

On the other hand, opportunities in the customs sphere include the possibility of boosting foreign trade through the signing of free trade agreements and treaties with new trading partners, which would allow Chile to diversify its exports and access new markets.

Likewise, the adoption of measures that promote trade facilitation, such as the simplification and harmonization of regulations and procedures, can contribute to economic growth and job creation in the country.

Los customs regimes They are essential for Chile’s trade and economy, since they allow the control and facilitation of international merchandise traffic, as well as the collection of taxes. In turn, facing the challenges and taking advantage of the opportunities in this area is essential to maintain the country’s competitiveness in international trade and promote economic and social development.

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