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Community media or non-profit media are those whose main function is to do a service and promote the development of their community. This definition usually includes community radios and televisions, but also any other means of communication that meets these characteristics, such as newspapers or web pages. In https://www.radiosdeinternet.com/ there is a great variety to know this type of radio on the internet, both nationally and internationally.

44% of Internet users listen to online audio

A not inconsiderable 44% of Internet users over 18 years of age residing in our country declare having listened to online audio content in the last month. In addition, it is a clearly positive percentage, since it improves on the previous year. Online radio is listened to more frequently than a year ago. Specifically, 67% of users choose to listen to Audio Online daily in one of its formats.

Another interesting fact that this study reveals is the user profile that consumes the most Audio Online. These are women under 45 years of age, with stable employment and university studies. The main device by which this medium is consumed is the PC (94%), although it is closely followed by mobile devices (92%).

Music is the main content

Music (30%) is the type of content most listened to by users. In fact, almost 94% of listeners consume the music on demand. Spotify (consumed by 17% of users) has a very established market niche. Only surpassed by YouTube (29%) in terms of the most frequented platforms, Spotify has a great brand memory. In fact, it was the platform most mentioned spontaneously by consumers consulted in this study.

In addition, 11% of Audio Online users say they are paying an online subscription, such as Spotify Premium, so the data from this study is quite optimistic with the position of this platform in the Online Audio scene.

Conventional stations are also on the rise

95% of Online Audio content consumers say they are live Online Radio listeners. In fact, for 19% of these users, Online Radio is their favorite and most listened to Audio Online format. According to these listeners, what is most sought after is the immediacy in receiving the message. Hence, the most widely accepted content are news, current affairs, sports and debates.

In conclusion, it can be stated that the Radio Online user is looking for content similar to the conventional one, but choosing the times himself. In fact, the preference for access to content through apps on tablets and mobile devices is also increasing compared to 2017.

High acceptance of advertising

More data from the study. According to Audio Online users, advertising is well valued by themselves in this medium. Thus, this is the medium in which the greatest acceptance of advertising is offered and in which the most attention is captured: 8 out of 10 admit to remembering having heard advertising, being the Automotive sector, followed by Travel, those that enjoy more memory.

Even 53% of them recognize that the presence of brands is reasonable and necessary. These data are very positive in a communicative world in which it is sometimes difficult to stand out – publicly speaking – amid so much noise.

The most valued of Audio Online by media agencies is the high possibility of impact on innovative targets / niches as well as millennials, targets with greater adaptability to new technologies. All the benefits of Audio Online (greater adaptability and accessibility through the app, less rejection of advertising …), added to the containment of costs and greater generation of branding, make this format a good opportunity for media agencies. A true world to explode that is in full expansion.

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