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what and when can rise in price – UNIAN

The NBU believes that by the end of the year gas prices will be set at the level of the same period last year.

It is expected that in summer the price of natural gas will more than double the price lows of last year’s summer / photo from UNIAN Vladimir Gontar

According to the forecast of the National Bank of Ukraine, in the summer of 2021, the cost of natural gas will be twice as high as in the same period last year.

This is stated in the Inflationary report NBU for April 2021.

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“It is expected that in summer the price of natural gas will more than double the price lows of last year’s summer. Therefore, the contribution of gas will form more than a third of the annual administrative inflation in the II quarter, ”the NBU expects.

At the same time, the National Bank believes that by the end of the year gas prices will be set at the level of the same period last year. This is expected to happen thanks to a gradual decline in the price of gas at European gas hubs during the year and increased competition in the domestic market.

Also, the NBU expects an increase in tariffs for heating and hot water in 2021.

“Tariffs for heating and hot water supply will increase as they were not adjusted in 2020, despite the rise in gas prices and rising labor costs,” the forecast says.

The rise in tariffs in the National Bank is explained by an increase in wages in the housing sector (due to an increase in the minimum wage), as well as other production costs.

What preceded it

  • From January 1, 2021, Ukraine has a new gas price, which was offered by gas suppliers as part of the opening of a competitive gas market.
  • Gas supplying companies offer the population of Ukraine in January to buy gas at a price of 6.99 to 10.8 hryvnia per cubic meter, while the minimum price is 11% higher than the December price, and the maximum price is 20.5% higher.
  • In addition, from January 1, Ukraine began to operate new tariffs for gas transportation.
  • The National Commission for State Regulation in the Spheres of Energy and Utilities (NEURCU) has increased tariffs for the services of 43 gas distribution companies by an average of 1.6 times since January 2021.
  • Since the beginning of January, protests against the increase in utility tariffs have taken place in a number of regions of Ukraine.
  • President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, responding to mass protests of the population in different regions of the country, instructed the government to urgently resolve the issue of gas tariffs for the population.
  • On January 13, 2021, the Cabinet of Ministers announced that it would propose to establish a fixed gas price for household consumers at UAH 6.99 per cubic meter.
  • January 18, the Cabinet of Ministers established from February until the end of the heating season maximum gas price in the amount of UAH 6.99 per cubic meter m for household consumers.

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