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What a shame, we are the worst in digital competitiveness

The World Ranking of Digital Competitiveness, prepared by IMD’s Center for Global Competitiveness, measures the capacity and willingness of 64 world economies to adopt and explore digital technologies as a key driver for economic transformation in business, government and society in general.

It is an analysis that has been published for 5 years and in which, in its most recent version, leaves the region badly off and especially countries such as Venezuela, Colombia, Argentina, Peru and Mexico, who occupy half of the 10 worst countries in the ranking.

Venezuela is the worst of the countries in the ranking. And it is no surprise. The Government of President Maduro does not seem to have on the radar the importance of a general disposition of the economy in order to face the challenges that the 4th Industrial Revolution brings us.

But I must say that I was surprised to see Colombia so badly ranked, especially after all the lora that the government gave with the story of the orange economy.

For the IMD, what hits us the most is the lack of an agile, modern and stable regulatory framework, followed by shortcomings in the technological framework of our economy. The low concentration of scientific activities and the lack of an attitude that promotes adaptation to change, complement the variables that have us in the same category as countries such as Mongolia and Botswana.

And it is that in Latin America, but especially in Colombia, the urgent does not allow us to think about what is important and the fires that we all must put out – government, companies and people – on a daily basis do not allow us to focus on the future.

The digital divide is growing and our countries are increasingly relegated to an economy in which digital increases speed and expands development possibilities. But it seems that that bus left us again.

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