Home » today » Business » Whales are abundant in Las Grutas and Puerto SAE, but, to continue with ‘promo’ prices, they will launch the season in September

Whales are abundant in Las Grutas and Puerto SAE, but, to continue with ‘promo’ prices, they will launch the season in September

The right whale watching season on board in the San Matías Gulf (which in its geography embraces the beaches of Las Grutas, Puerto San Antonio Este and San Antonio Oeste) It will be in September, and will run from the 1st to the 30th of that month.

This It does not mean that the nautical trips that are currently carried out to see them will be interrupted, or discontinued at the end of that strip, since the species usually stays in the gulf until well into October. What happens is that the law that regulates these sightings establishes that, annually, the enforcement authority must meet and define the formal period that will be considered as ‘season’. This body is made up of a representative from the Province’s environmental area, someone from the municipality of San Antonio and providers.

Up close. This is how the whales look from the boats

In the ‘season’, boat owners pay a fee (to the provincial environmental department) to carry out the trips, and there is also a ‘sighting fee’ (which is generally included in the proposed rate) paid by the boat passenger. Both amounts, according to the regulation, are agreed upon and then used by the Environment Department to maintain active monitoring systems that evaluate the development of the activity.

The right whales are waiting for you

That is why the decision to slow down the formal start is strategic and is linked, more than anything, to a commercial issue. To continue prolonging the chance that departures continue to be made without having to reconsider rates or add extra costs, which further complicate the situation for the sectorwhich has been hit hard by the economic crisis.

It turns out that the cetaceans (which arrive in this area to reproduce between the end of July and the beginning of August) arrived early this year. Its presence was active since mid-May.

That allowed (and allows) that The year-round boat activity to spot the resident marine fauna (composed of sea lions, dolphins, penguins and birds) was crowned by the presence of these giant animals. They were enthusiastic and did not depend on any launch, whether symbolic or administrative.

Whales continue to surprise in Las Grutas

“So far we are getting a good response from people. I would say that it is better than last year.But to do this we have to maintain promotions and low prices, to aim to generate a significant volume of public. That is not simple, because the calculation we make leaves out unforeseen events that you, as a lender, may have. For example, you may have to replace a part of the boat. A propeller, for example, that today you have to buy with paper dollars. To remain active, we absorb those costs as much as possible. The idea is to offer the lowest rate we can calculate” said Claudio Barbieri, from “Cota Cero Buceo” and “Las Grutas Avistajes”, one of the companies that conducts these tours.

“That allowed us to have a good balance, at least until today,” the man continued. “It’s because different variables came together. The first is that the whales arrived earlier, and in large numbers. The second is that the weather was good and stable, which allowed us to sail daily. The other is that Peninsula Valdes, in Chubut, was closed for a week due to bad weather. A large part of the public that could not sail there moved to Las Grutas, and we saw an uptick» he detailed.

Whale watching tours are an incredible option, now there is a chance to spot right whales

Today, rates are decisive. “In Madryn, which is the mecca of this activity, they recognized that there was a drop of more than 40% of shipments so far this season that they are developing. Because it is a critical moment where values, If we charge what we have to charge, they are in line with what is charged in the world, but they are expensive for people who are hit by the economy of our country. the merchant said.

Agustín Sánchez, another nautical provider who is the owner of “Rupestre, experiencia patagónica” (Rupestre, Patagonian experience), agreed with this view. He, unlike Barbieri who sails in Las Grutas, offers rides in Puerto San Antonio Este (65 km from that resort on Route 3).

«We have to be flexible and offer discounts and promotions. “My company has been working well these past few months, but, in comparison, I don’t know if we had more visitors than last year. I think the attendance was lower,” he said.

New prices, only in September, and with promotions

Until September, the current rates for on-board sightings will not vary. In the case of Rupestre Patagonia, the company that operates in At Puerto San Antonio Este, adults will pay $90,000, children up to 12 years old will pay $45,000, children up to 3 years old will travel free of charge and there will be a 20% ‘promo’ for cash payment.

In Las Grutas, ‘Cota Cero’ and other associated companies that work together to carry out the tours launched a pre-season promo. Adults will pay $70,000 and children under 12 years old $40,000 if they pay with cash, bank transfer or Mercado Pago.

San Antonio Este Port is one of the embarkation points

Looking ahead, in September, the consulted providers agreed on the number they will request. Rupestre will remain at $90,000 and Cota Cero and its associates will adjust their rate to $120,000, but that number will also remain at $90,000 This is the amount that will be offered to those who pay in cash or by bank transfer. There will also be discounts at the counter for group composition or other characteristics, such as large families.

With regard No figures have yet been set for the fee that companies will have to pay and the right to sightsee (which is an extra fee paid by passengers). Regarding the payment of those who embark, the municipality proposed that the value be $5000, but no private party accepted. “We will see what figure it ends up at, in my opinion more than $2000 could not be, because it is even an amount that we as private parties will end up absorbing. That is why We proposed that next year the meeting of the implementing authority be in March, so that we know that number in advance. and we, the providers, can take this into account when defining the costs of the activity, in order to go out and sell,” said Claudio Barbieri.

What are the walks like?

There are four companies authorized to carry out boat trips, which depart from Las Grutas or Puerto San Antonio Este. They are carried out in semi-rigid boats that can carry a maximum capacity of 10 passengers (including the skipper of the boat and a guide). They last about two hours and travel through the interior of San Antonio Bay. They allow you to see sea ​​lions, dolphins, penguins, birds and, now, the fantastic right whales.

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