NOS News•
Spring hasn’t been as wet as this year since 2006. Due to the wet spring, the groundwater level has returned to normal for the first time in ages.
Especially in March and April there was a lot of rain. May also started wet with heavy (thunderstorm) showers on many days, but halfway through the month it became dry.
According to the KNMI, an average of 205 millimeters of precipitation fell in the meteorological spring (March, April and May), while the long-term average is 148 millimeters. The spring of last year was exceptionally dry. The east and south of the country in particular struggled with drought at the time.
Last year in the summer, the Netherlands was still struggling with a water shortage due to the persistent drought. Although we are starting this summer with a good groundwater level, it is still unclear whether we will be faced with a water shortage again this summer.
See here what water boards do with the heavy rain of the wet spring in the Netherlands:

It’s raining, it’s raining: what to do with all that water?
2023-06-01 20:11:02
#Wettest #spring #groundwater #level #normal