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Western health: the death of the Mahalla child, as a result of a sharp drop in blood circulation and cardiomyopathy

Dr. Abdel Nasser Hamida, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Gharbia Governorate, confirmed that Al-Mahalla General Hospital received the child Ahmed Abdel-Hakim Fawzi Abdel-Hakim, resident of the village of Mitt El-Lait Hashem, Al-Mahalla Center, a dead body, and the case was diagnosed by the health inspector, and it was found that the cause of death was a sharp drop in the circulatory system and stopped Heart muscle.

He added, “Hamida”, to “the seventh day”, that the health inspector prepared a report of the incident, and sent it to the Public Prosecution, after doubting the child’s death because of his young age and the absence of a clear cause of death, stressing that the Public Prosecution requested investigations of the investigations into the incident, which confirmed the absence of Criminal suspicion and, accordingly, the Public Prosecution ordered the body to be buried.

On his part, Abdel Nasser Abboud, the village’s mayor, affirmed that the child was taking a noodles quickly prepared with his siblings, then he took a bag of snacks, and after that he suffered severe vomiting, and informed his siblings of their father to save him, but that the child died after suffering severe vomiting.

He added, that the body was transferred to the General Hospital and the mabahith officers asked the child’s siblings and confirmed that they were taking instant noodles together and then took their brother Snack sack and he was severely infected and died on the spot, stressing that the health inspector looked at the body, and it was found that the death was due to a sharp drop in the circulation and stopped The heart muscle, and the prosecution stated that the body was buried.

The child had died after suffering a severe blood circulation and stopping the heart muscle, and he died on the spot while eating a “ready-made capillary” in a village in the Mahalla center, and his father tried to help him and transfer him to Al-Mahalla General Hospital, but the child died before going to the hospital.

Major General Mahmoud Hamza, Director of Gharbia Security, received a notification from Brigadier Mahmoud Kiosk, the commander of the Mahalla Center, that the center received a signal from the Mahalla General Hospital that the child “Ahmed.FF” was 9 years old. A dead body of the hospital, a force moved from the center to the hospital and signed the medical examination with the knowledge of Hospital doctors found that the cause of a sharp drop in blood circulation and cardiomyopathy stopped, and by asking his father he decided that his son was eating a capillary meal, he was surprised by his unconsciousness and his death before being transferred to the hospital, and legal measures were taken regarding the incident, and the Public Prosecution was notified.

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