Home » today » Technology » Western Digital Launches 28TB UltraSMR Hard Drives with TDMR, sTECC, DSEC, and OptiNAND Technologies

Western Digital Launches 28TB UltraSMR Hard Drives with TDMR, sTECC, DSEC, and OptiNAND Technologies

Western Digital already supplies hard drives with the technology UltraSMR, which have a capacity of 26 TB. In the following quarter (that is, towards the end of the year), she would like to start selling even 28TB version. It should be delivered in test samples to selected clients very soon. The 26TB versions have proven themselves, so it is likely that the tests of the 28TB versions will also turn out positively and customers will quickly deploy them in their systems where a huge storage capacity is required. WD wants to increase production as quickly as possible after the end of the testing phase.

While SMR technology adds about 10% more density compared to classic CMR recording, UltraSMR outperforms SMR by about 10% more. As a result, the density increases by about 20%. UltraSMR combines several technologies together that help this, or they allow overcoming the disadvantages resulting from the overlapping of individual tracks of SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording) technology, which increases the density of the recording.

TDMR (Two-Dimensional Magnetic Recording) uses two data readers, which improves the signal-to-noise ratio and thus increases the quality of data reading. sTECC (Soft-Track Error Checking Code) improves algorithms for correcting any errors, and this technology was behind the company’s first 20TB SMR hard drive in 2020. Adds parity checks for tracks. The third is DSEC (Distributed Sector), which distributes the data over a group of sectors in order to reduce the average error per track. It’s still here after all OptiNANDwhich brings non-volatile Flash memory (doesn’t lose data during power failure) that improves reliability and buffer capacity.

2023-08-04 08:31:14
#Western #Digital #starts #shipping #28TB #drives #UltraSMR #technology

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