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West Nile Virus in Romania: Symptoms, Prevention, and Transmission


West Nile virus in Romania

The West Nile virus (VWN) was identified for the first time in 1937 in a patient from West Nile, Uganda (Africa)hence the name of the virus.

In recent years, more and more countries in Europe have reported cases of West Nile virus infection in humans. In 1996, Romania faced the highest number of West Nile neuroinfections in Europe, registering 352 cases.

According to the National Institute of Public Health, among the favorable factors for the occurrence of these cases of West Nile infection in Romania and in Europe in general, are:

Climate changes (high temperatures, heavy rains followed by heat waves). Moreover, most cases occur in the warm season – mosquito season, from summer to autumn. Intensification of passenger traffic. Intensification of the circulation of goods.

What is West Nile virus?

The presence of the West Nile virus in nature is maintained by the transmission cycle: mosquito – bird – mosquito, birds being the “natural hosts” of the West Nile virus. Mosquitoes become infected when they bite a bird infected with West Nile, then they can transmit the virus further in other birds and in humans for several weeks from the moment of infection.

Horses, like humans, are “definitive” hosts, meaning they do not spread the infection further. Until now, There is NO documented case of human-to-human transmission of West Nile. West Nile infection spreads to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito.

In humans, in most cases the infection is asymptomatic, and when symptoms appear, the clinical manifestations and severity of the disease can vary greatly depending on the patient.

Symptoms of West Nile infection

The incubation period of the virus is between 3 and 14 days.

8 out of 10 people infected with West Nile will not develop symptoms (asymptomatic).

1 in 5 people infected with West Nile will develop febrile illness along with symptoms such as:

Headaches Muscle pains Joint pains Vomiting Diarrhea Rashes.

The severity of symptoms varies from patient to patient.

1 in 150 people infected with this virus will develop a severe diseasewith damage to the central nervous system: encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord).

Symptoms of severe disease include:

High fever Headaches Neck stiffness Disorientation Muscle weakness Numbness and paralysis Convulsions Tremors Loss of vision Coma.

Severe manifestations can affect patients of any age, but people over 60 are more exposed. Also, people who have pathologies such as: cancer, diabetes, hypertension, kidney diseases or those who have received an organ transplant are at an increased risk.

Recovery from a severe form of the disease can last from several weeks to several months, and some damage to the central nervous system can be permanent.

It is recorded approx. 1 death in 10 cases of people who develop a serious disease affecting the central nervous system following West Nile infection.

Prevention of West Nile virus infection

There is no vaccine available against West Nile virus and no specific treatment. For patients with severe symptoms, the treatment administered is supportive, which often includes hospitalization, intravenous therapy, respiratory support and prevention of secondary infections.

Considering the fact that mosquitoes are the main vectors for the spread of West Nile infection in humans, prevention consists in adopting protective measures against mosquito bites by:

The use of mosquito repellants in areas not covered by clothing, according to the instructions on the packaging. The National Center for Surveillance and Control of Communicable Diseases recommends the use of repellents containing – DEET, icaridin/ picardin or IR 3535. Wearing clothes that cover your skin as much as possible, long-sleeved clothes and long pants, during nature walks . The use of protective nets on the windows, doors, and the use of the air conditioner if there is one. Remove the sources of mosquitoes around your house – removing containers that contain standing water and household waste from the household, draining puddles of water around the household, mowing the grass and weeds.

Do not lose sight of these measures even during the holidays.

If you present symptoms that worry you, do not hesitate to contact the medical services for diagnosis.


2023-08-24 22:04:55
#West #Nile #risk #disease #symptoms #prevention

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