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West Nile Disease. 69 year old man in hospital

A 69-year-old man from Guastalla was admitted to intensive care at Bassa hospital after suffering from West Nile Virus-related effects. Now his condition seems to be clearly recovering and he is thought to be out of danger. But at first his condition seemed rather alarming. The illness occurred on the night before August 15.

The family members raised the alarm on 118 when they noticed the state of shock in which the pensioner, who until then had been in good health, was in. An ambulance and medical staff attended. A possible stroke was immediately suspected, with the patient being transferred urgently to the Santa Maria Nuova hospital in Reggio. Then, after eliminating this hypothesis, it was decided to return the man to Guastalla hospital, with a hospital in intensive care. Tests were carried out, with materials also to be sent to the research laboratory in Bologna, where the West Nile virus was confirmed a few days ago.

In the meantime, the treatments implemented by the medical staff are having the desired effects, with the patient’s condition improving after a critical situation in the last few days.

For now, however, he is still in the hospital for observation to evaluate the evolution of his clinical picture, but we hope to be able to release him from intensive care soon.

At the same time, the Municipality of Guastalla – the town where the man lives – is among the local authorities that have issued orders to combat mosquitoes, based on a regional provision to which municipalities other majors adhere to it. Unusual treatments are given for evening events involving the presence of more than 200 people in areas not affected by normal disinfection with larvicides. All this is based on an increase in the level of attention of the Emilia-Romagna Region, especially in the areas of competence of the local health authorities of Bologna, Modena and also Reggio Emilia. Incidents in urban areas, where public drains are occasionally treated with larval products, are under investigation by the Public Health Department of the Local Health Authority. In the area affected by the procedures, informational signs indicating the date and time of the treatment and the safety measures to be followed must be posted at least 48 hours in advance.

Antonio Lecci

2024-08-22 05:26:14
#West #Nile #Disease #year #man #hospital

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