Premier League 2024/25 Premier League 2023/24 Premier League 2022/23 Premier League 2021/22 Premier League 2020/21 Premier League 2020/21 Premier League 2019/20 Premier League 2018/19 Premier League 2017/18 Todos los equipos Arsenal Aston Villamouth Brentford Crystal Palace Everton Fulham Ipswich City Leicester Liverpool Man Metropolis Man United Newcastle Nott. Forest Southampton Tottenham West Ham wolves Todas las posiciones Porteros Defensas Mediocampistas Delanteros
General statistics Native statistics Customer statistics
Matches Performed Abstract Targets Assists Saves Targets Conceded Photographs On Purpose Shot Accuracy (%) Crosses Accomplished Crosses Cross Accuracy (%) Photographs on Submit Corners Pressured Get a joke on Move Bets on the captures Steals Balls stolen from final man Targets saved underneath the sticks Yellow playing cards Purple playing cards Penalties conceded Penalties pressured Penalties taken Penalties scored Penalties saved Personal objectives Photographs blocked Errors in aim in opposition to profitable dribbles Key passes Accuracy passes Rounded/overhanging corners (quick) Appropriate hanging balls Straight barns Direct objectives on aim Targets Lack of efficient clearances
Video games, Minutes and Targets Video games Minutes Performed Targets Assists Saves Targets Conceded Photographs on aim Shot accuracy (%) Crosses Accomplished Crosses Cross accuracy (%) Photographs on publish Corners pressured Fouls scored Balls caught Balls stolen Balls stolen from final man Targets saved Underneath sticks Yellow playing cards Purple playing cards Penalties awarded Penalties conceded Penalties awarded Penalties saved Personal aim Targets scored blocking Errors in objectives in opposition to profitable dribbles Key passes Accuracy passes Rounded/overhanging (quick) corners Appropriate hanging objectives Vertical hanging passes Cities photographs straight ahead aim Free kick objectives Efficient clearances
2024-07-11 03:28:09
#West #Ham #Statistics #Lineups