Home » today » Entertainment » Weronika Ksi ± ¿kiewicz put on a nylon tracksuit, and Katarzyna Warnke put on a leopard print dress. Fans admit: Awesome styles!

Weronika Ksi ± ¿kiewicz put on a nylon tracksuit, and Katarzyna Warnke put on a leopard print dress. Fans admit: Awesome styles!

Weronika Ksi ± ¿kiewicz i Katarzyna Warnke they met on the set of the new film “Return to Legoland”. The painting, directed by Konrad Aksinowicz, tells the story of Tomasz, who must remember his childhood in the times of the Polish People’s Republic. The gray reality of the commune is broken by colorful tracksuits and orangeades in pouches. You can see such a multi-colored picture on the Instagram profile of Ksi ± ¿kiewicz.

See also: Weronika Ksi ± ¿kiewicz sweats the seventh sweats with Anna Lewandowska. Best Actress’s Son Comment: You curse her

Weronika Ksi ± ¿kiewicz showed the photo with Katarzyna Warnke

The 39-year-old actress posted photos with Katarzyna Warnka on social media, which, like a time machine, took fans to the 1980s. The actresses posed at the trailer door and invited them to travel together:

Back to the past … Who is going to Legoland with us? Does anyone miss Pewex? An orange in a bag and video cassettes? – asked the actress.

In the first photo, Warnke is wearing a red kimono-style cape and a leopard print dress. Prince Kiewicz took her place on the steps and holds the trailer door open. He presents his colorful nylon tracksuit with a pugnacious face. In the second photo, the director of the film emerges from inside the trailer.

The observers appreciated the stylizations taken straight from the last two decades of the last century and eagerly recalled the times when hard-to-reach goods could only be hunted in Pewex:

The tracksuit is great!

Ale extra wygl ± dacie!

Super styling. Pewex was cool.

Colorful frame also commented Anna Muchawho also got nostalgic at the sight of the photo:

Come on jealous! Great.

See how the actresses developed a taste for the 80s fashion. Are you waiting for the effects of their work on the set?

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