Home » today » Technology » We’re looking for belated Valentine’s Day dates from GR Live today – Ten Dates

We’re looking for belated Valentine’s Day dates from GR Live today – Ten Dates

Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, and no doubt many of you were busy spending time with your significant other, or perhaps using the time more wisely to play some new games that debuted. While we did that yesterday by checking out the first hour of Wanted: Dead, today we’re exploring another new release, the latest game from FMV developer Wales Interactive.

Called Ten Dates, the title asks players to experiment with flirting and speed dating, all in hopes of finding love. Needless to say, by watching this, we’ll be celebrating St. Valentine’s Day a little late.

Please be sure toGR Live HomepageJoin our very own Rebeca on to watch the first hour of the video game in full motion, all starting at the usual 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET. Before you get started, be sure to read our take on Ten Dates in the comments hereidea.

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