effect in 118 ias.adriana: thanks to romy. thegun violence in new yorktoday in our first part ofthe interview with the applicantdeocrate to alkalia erickadams, keeping an eye on theupcoming elections.was with us in thesidewalks of brooklyn.here is the first part ofthe interview.adriana: welcome!adams candidate, firstplace, you were the capital of thepolice chief ofnew York.Cal is the best weapon forfight violence?candidate: we needrebuild trust betweenmen and women of thepolitics department andunits to serve them. we haveerodes. that’s why the guysbad guys are winning. laterlet’s reset a unitanti weapons we tried to carryzero firearms.we are going to finish withgangs that are causingarmed violence, we will see thatpeople felt sure ofget out and regain control ofthe city.Adriana: How do you plan to zoom into the relationship between himpolice department ofnew york and the communitySpanish?candidates: the best way isthat the commanders of thepolice department mustlook like the community to thethat they serve.if you are dominican and livein a Dominican community, inpolice headquarters 32They must be Dominican.cops can bevarious, but the officerswho lead the barracks mustbe from the community itself.Adriana: Now let’s talk about thedetention law, what do you thinkfrom this?candidate: people talk aboutstop and search, but thatdoes not about.is to have, question andthen the search.a search is not necessary ifyou answer the questions.the police because someone isarmed, that officer muststop the person andquestion her about whether she wears aweapon and why?if the individual says he is aofficer off duty, allStop.If the officer sees that theperson does not answerquestions, I am allowed to askthe search.what was happening was theI’m going to take care of whatmy officers use camerasbodilythat every interaction they haveis recorded. we are going todetermine if they broke therules or not.Adriana: The Adams Candidatetalk about safety in thesubway, garbage andwomen’s needsHispanic, until your proposalto kill the rats.if you scan the qr code thatobserve screen, canmeet those of adams, as ifprefer hot dogs orPizza.also topics of court a lot