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Werder Bremen: ghost game “half stuff”, interior senator wants cancellation!

Bremen – The stadium gates remain closed! When Werder Bremen receives Bayer Leverkusen in the Weser Stadium on Monday, spectators are not allowed. But that’s not enough for Bremen’s policy to curb the spread of the corona virus.

mayor Andreas Bovenschulte and interior senator Ulrich Mäurer (both SPD) clearly speak for one cancellation the game of Werder Bremen against Bayer Leverkusen and thus of the whole match day in the Football Bundesliga out.

In one Christian Seifert, Managing Director of the German Football League addressed the letter, Bovenschulte appeals “emphatically that the DFL lives up to their responsibilities to players and fans. A key measure to reduce the rate of infection is to do without cancellation or the postponement of major events. “

Bremen interior senator Ulrich Mäurer considers ghost game for Werder Bremen to be “half stuff”

The Mayor of Bremen therefore asks “to fundamentally postpone the games this weekend and to use the time, one with the specialist authorities of the federal and state governments uniform line vote for the next few days. “

The measure in the Bundesliga Ghost games to start, keeps the inner senator Masonry for “half stuff”. At a press conference on Tuesday, he explained the problem caused by the Viewer exclusion emerges from his point of view: “The families will certainly not come to the stadium on Monday. But there is a part of the fan scene that I expect will come. ”

Ulrich Mäurer wants to discuss a game cancellation with Werder Bremen

And then they have to be around police care – even more so because one too Fan gathering in front of the stadium against that to curb the spread of the Corona virus enacted decree. According to the rule valid from Thursday, events with 250 people are subject to registration and approval. That means: the police would not allow a crowd of fans in front of the stadium – for example to clap the team bus on arrival -. More precise could Masonry but don’t say about that yet.

“We do not make a decision in an empty space, but are in constant contact Werder Bremen and are going to sit down together to discuss the procedure with the police. We still have no experience of what to expect in front of the stadium. But we have to make police forces available. ”He would also become an option with Werder Game cancellation to discuss.

Werder Bremen: Interior Senator Ulrich Mäurer attacks DFL again

Masonry reminds – like Bovenschulte – of the “overall social responsibility” of DFL. As a possible multiplier of virus spreading, professional football has to take itself out of the game completely and for a few weeks, he says Interior senator. The DFL, on the other hand, wants to end the season in May.

“The maxim of playing as many games as possible is not one of them overall social responsibility“Said the SPD politician, who has been in a permanent clink with the DFL since the judicial dispute over the assumption of police costs. That I stubbornly follow the schedule and leave everything else to the responsible countries, “I think is irresponsible,” said Mäurer, “but I’m not surprised.” (csa)

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