Home » today » Business » Wenyi Technology: Estimated net profit for 2020 is 5.4 million ~ 8.1 million yuan, an increase of 107.45% ~ 111.17% year-on-year _ Oriental Fortune Network

Wenyi Technology: Estimated net profit for 2020 is 5.4 million ~ 8.1 million yuan, an increase of 107.45% ~ 111.17% year-on-year _ Oriental Fortune Network

Original title: Wenyi Technology: Net profit for 2020 is expected to be 5.4 million to 8.1 million yuan, an increase of 107.45% to 111.17% year-on-year

  Wenyi TechnologyReleased on the evening of January 21PerformancePreview, it is expected to be listed in 2020the companyshareholderofNet profitApproximately 5.4 million to 8.1 million yuan, compared with the same period last year, an increase of 77.9 million to 80.6 million yuan is expected.YoYIncrease by 107.45%~111.17%;Operating incomeAn increase of about 75.42 million yuan, grossinterest rateIncrease by about 9.36%, affectprofitAbout 42.6 million yuan;Asset impairmentofAccrualCompared with the same period of last year, it decreased by about 19.77 million yuan;SalesCompared with the same period last year, the cost decreased by about 4.5 million yuan, which was mainly affected by the epidemic.Travel expenses, Hospitality, etc. are reduced, andSocial securityImpact of fee reduction and exemption, and plan to cancelHolding subsidiaryReduction of the cost of CIIC Light Source;managementCompared with the same period of last year, expenses decreased by approximately 8.25 million yuan, mainly due to the impact of the epidemic, reduced travel expenses, entertainment expenses, etc., as well as social security expenses reduction and exemption. At the same time, it plans to cancel the reduction of the holding subsidiary Zhongzhi Light Source.

The 2019 annual report shows thatWenyi TechnologyThe main business of the company is other, semiconductor equipment and devices, mold industry, LED industry, accounting for 42.71%, 37.22%, 9.48%, and 4.7% of revenue respectively.

  Wenyi TechnologyofdirectorThe elder is Huang Yanyong, male, 54 years old, master’s degree student.

Wenyi TechnologyGeneral managerIt is Ding Ning, male, 48 years old, with a master degree.

(Source: Daily Economic News)

(Editor in charge: DF537)

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