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Went before the vaccine plug was set

It reports Bergens Tidende.

Hossein Tehrani, unit manager for the municipal vaccination stations in Bergen municipality, confirms to Dagbladet that there are a few individual cases that have left the place without being vaccinated.

– It has been discovered that the employees, for example, have seen that someone has walked, or that there is a person missing from a row of chairs that they knew was full in the first place, Tehrani tells Dagbladet.

Tehrani emphasizes that he does not know what the reason for someone leaving the vaccine station is, and does not want to speculate on possible theories.

– Want message

– Have you contacted those concerned?

– No, vaccination is voluntary. It is allowed to change your mind. However, we have a duty to document health care. It is therefore documented in the residents’ Electronic Patient Journal (EPR) that the vaccine in these individual cases has not been set, says Tehrani.

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– Even though we have good routines that catch it if someone leaves the vaccine station before the syringe is set, we will appreciate if they let us know before they possibly leave the room. Until the vaccine stick is inserted in the arm, the person has the opportunity to change his mind. We have to accept this, says Tehrani.

He emphasizes that the actual vaccine dose will in such cases go to another resident as a residual dose.

– That someone leaves the vaccine station before the plug is inserted, does not mean that doses are lost, he emphasizes.

Does not exclude

Elisabeth Engelsen, head of the vaccination project in Bergen municipality, says that they continuously assess the work routines at the vaccination stations vis-à-vis Bergens Tidende.

The English, however, can not rule out that someone has not been discovered.

– I have no basis for saying whether there may be any people who have not been discovered, Engelsen says to the newspaper.

Furthermore, she says that they do not keep a total overview of how many people have left the hall without having been stabbed. This is only recorded in the individual person’s journal, she informs the newspaper.

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