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Wemding vaccination scandal: patient knew of a lack of corona protection

Dr. Holst in Wemding is closed. The police are investigating. For over a week it has been known that there was a house search in the practice because of “irregularities” with corona vaccinations. However, some patients had suspicions much earlier, as Peter T.

Suspicion: patient had vaccination checked on his own

He had had his blood tested for antibodies back in the summer. Because, as he reports in the BR interview, there have been rumors in Wemding that the family doctor is opposed to vaccinations.

“I hadn’t thought that he would be so audacious about injecting something else. But doubts were in order. I had an antibody test done myself. Result: Antibodies not detected. So far no vaccination protection.” Patient Peter T.

According to his own statement, Peter T. had already contacted the responsible district office on September 1st. The mail traffic between him and the authority is available to the BR-Studio Donau-Ries. In it, the district office points out that such a test result could provide little about vaccination protection in general.

Antibody tests should provide reliable information

Now that hundreds of patients in the Wemdingen practice are being examined for antibodies, the samples are being examined at the State Office for Health in Erlangen. The results therefore all come from the same laboratory and are therefore comparable. In addition, the personal history of each patient is examined at the health department in Donauwörth.

The Donau-Ries district office assures that all information has been passed on. It was only when these had accumulated that the police were able to take action with a search and seizure of documents, according to the police at a press conference last Tuesday.

Investigations are ongoing, investigators are not saying anything yet

The first results are available from the patients who had their vaccination protection checked after the investigation became known. The district office has confirmed that. The cases are now worked through individually. At the moment, only the public prosecutor’s office is allowed to provide information. Because of the ongoing investigations, no further information can currently be given, it says there.

In the former vaccination center in Nördlingen, patients from the Wemdingen practice can have their blood drawn up to and including Wednesday (October 13th) – in order to be certain whether or not they are protected against a corona infection with potentially serious consequences. As a precautionary measure, the district office had declared all vaccination certificates issued by the family doctor invalid.

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