Home » today » Entertainment » Well, you, I peak to the last drop, Mario Yaya on the screen is sweet, off-screen is satisfying.

Well, you, I peak to the last drop, Mario Yaya on the screen is sweet, off-screen is satisfying.

It is over for the drama, which is you of Canale 3, which, despite being the end, but there are still various issues to be won over and over again, has defined the summit to the last drop. and the conclusion of love Kawkla (Mario Maurer) and Saikhim (Yaya Urassaya) It ended beautifully on the romantic wedding scene. The groom is handsome Beautiful, beautiful bride, equally charming

In Joswee it is very sweet. Off-screen girls also have a cute, crunchy moment that ends up giving fans a smile. When the cast and crew gathered to watch #it ​​is you In the end, together, Mario Yaya is very cute, he hugs and holds hands, Say Goodbye after the end of the drama. a good impression working together

So it’s at the end. Fans of the drama have seen the new pair of rice and fish. Sweet until the diabetes goes up. Here we go. Sweet to the heart after fighting the whole story. So cute.

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