Home » today » News » Well known Ferocious Police Scientist: “Officer Who Wounded Woman May Hardly ever Use Water Cannon Yet again” | inland

Well known Ferocious Police Scientist: “Officer Who Wounded Woman May Hardly ever Use Water Cannon Yet again” | inland

angry law enforcement unionsIn accordance to law enforcement scientist Jaap Timmer, it is fitting that the prosecutor is pursuing the officer who blew up a lady in Eindhoven with a drinking water thrower. “This is the worst mistake you can make as a water cannon operator. As far as I am concerned, you ought to in no way sit behind this sort of a gun again, “Timmer instructed this website. Law enforcement unions are appalled by the prosecutor’s decision.

Sebastian Quekel

16 aug. 2022

Previous update:

To the revolts in Eindhoven Last January items received violent that day. Rioters confronted the law enforcement, vandalized and ransacked retailers. Czech Denisa says she was unintentionally embroiled in the chaos, but it was later uncovered that her close friend had thrown a lock in the way of a water thrower, among the other items. In reaction to that the water thrower shot the lady from a short distance. He hit his head against a parking ton wall. The images of the incident went viral on social media. The woman was charged with tried murder.

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