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Well-being. Daily magnetic storm forecast for July 2023 | Healthy life | Health

In July, an increase in geophysical activity is expected: 3, 4, 7–12, 21–26. These days, the formation of cyclones and hurricanes is possible, an increase in the accident rate of all types, an increase in seismic activity and tension in society.

3 – apogee of the moon, full moon in Capricorn. Changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature are expected. Exacerbation of chronic diseases, general weakness and depression are not excluded. Possible diseases of the spine, pain in the bones and joints, injuries and fractures. Exacerbation of arthritis and arthrosis is possible. Catarrhal diseases and skin diseases of a neurogenic nature, diseases of the teeth are not excluded. Beware of hypothermia and heavy physical exertion on the spine and joints.

4 – conjunction of the Moon with Pluto in Capricorn. Exacerbation of diseases of the genital organs, general weakness are not excluded. Possible diseases of the spine, pain in the bones and joints, injuries and fractures. Exacerbation of arthritis and arthrosis is possible.

Catarrhal diseases and skin diseases of a neurogenic nature, diseases of the teeth are not excluded. Beneficial skin care and wellness treatments. Beware of hypothermia and heavy loads on the spine and joints.

7 – conjunction of the Moon with Saturn in Pisces. There may be inattention, forgetfulness, absent-mindedness. Increased risk of emergency and traumatic situations. Beware of infectious diseases, blood poisoning. Do not overload the liver with fatty foods and alcohol. Pain in the feet and swelling are not excluded. Refrain from alcohol and coffee, so as not to overload the liver. Water procedures and foot massage are useful.

8 – conjunction of the Moon with Neptune in Pisces. Forgetfulness, absent-mindedness, weakening of the sense of reality, exacerbation of mental ailments are possible. Increased risk of emergency and traumatic situations. Beware of infectious diseases, blood poisoning. Pain in the feet and swelling are not excluded. Refrain from alcohol and coffee, so as not to overload the liver. Water procedures and foot massage are useful.

10 – the last quarter of the Moon in Aries. Diseases of the head, neck, throat, teeth, nasopharynx, esophagus may occur or worsen. It is advisable to give up alcohol, fatty and spicy foods, beware of infections and injuries. For good health, it is necessary to observe the regime of sleep and rest. The risk of colds, sore throats is increased, the reaction to poor-quality food products is exacerbated. Water procedures and small restrictions in food are useful.

11 – conjunction of the Moon with Jupiter in Taurus. Throat diseases, skin diseases, hypertension, indigestion, overeating are possible. Do not strain your vocal cords, beware of colds, sore throats and ice cream.

12 – the conjunction of the Moon with Uranus in Taurus. Decisiveness, resourcefulness and ingenuity. Possible nerve damage to the larynx and vocal cords, disruption of the thyroid gland, neck injuries. Stress can lead to constipation and pain in the spine. Beware of colds, sore throats, do not strain your vocal cords, postpone dental treatment of the lower jaw. Aggravated reaction to low-quality food. Water procedures and small restrictions in food are useful.

17 – perigee of the moon, new moon in Cancer. Changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature are expected. Inadequate behavior, impressionability, emotionality and resentment are possible. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis, diseases of the digestive system, liver, and mammary glands are not excluded. Refrain from drinking alcohol, spicy and fatty foods. Beware of colds, food and alcohol poisoning, conflict situations. A favorable time to maintain a home of comfort and peace.

19 – conjunction of the Moon with Mercury in Leo. Leadership abilities, self-confidence. Tendency to disorder of the cardiovascular system, fainting, palpitations, arrhythmias, spasms and pains in the heart. Overexertion and overwork should be avoided.

21 – conjunction of the Moon with Mars in Virgo. Love for order, diligence, perseverance. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation and acute intestinal infections, hemorrhoids. Beware of overwork and infections.

26 – the first quarter of the Moon in Scorpio. Changes in atmospheric pressure and temperature are expected. Possible activity, conflict, bad mood for no reason, a strong reaction to external events. May disturb the kidneys, bladder, pancreas. Attacks of cystitis and sciatica are not excluded. To avoid exacerbation of diseases, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, follow a diet, give up salty and spicy foods, reduce physical activity, beware of infections and hypothermia of the pelvic area. Useful walking, walking, exercise, breathing exercises.

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