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Well-being: Chapped lips, a daily problem

The balms protect children’s sensitive lips.

The lips are certainly what we notice first on the face of our interlocutor. In addition to showing a smile, they play an important role in nutrition. The lips are distinguished by their finesse and delicacy. Due to their characteristics, they require attention, especially since they are regularly exposed to environmental factors such as cold, wind or even the sun… “It is especially during winter that lips are chapped due to the cold. However, it should be noted that even outside of winter, this particular area of ​​the body needs care” according to the statements of Andry Ny Ando Malala, a young deaf woman, manager of Ni-Haingo Beauté in Andavamamba, she specialized in the arts of hairdressing and aesthetics.

Care. To keep lips moist all the time, it is necessary to take care of them. “Among the recommended cosmetic routines, there is the exfoliating lip scrub which helps get rid of dead skin. For this, we could resort to using natural products such as honey or olive oil twice a week. always according to the advice of Andry Ny Ando Malala. In addition to this ritual, it is also strongly recommended to hydrate well. In order to preserve the lips, ensure good cell regeneration, while protecting them from external factors, the use of specific products or “lip balm”, products which are now available from us. “Among the products that easily adapt to any type of lips, whether for young or old, Florona stands out but not only for its practicality, easy to take and use” she does not fail to add. What sets Florona lipsticks apart above all is the multitude of scents available, adapted to everyone’s tastes. The four popular flavors are strawberry, vanilla, caramel and passion fruit.

Arranged by Rakotobe

The Well-being article: Chapped lips, a daily problem appeared first on Midi Madagasikara.

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