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Welfare Scandal in Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture: Uncovering Misuse of Recognition Stamps and Split Payments

Some of the recognition stamps that Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, kept from welfare recipients: At Kiryu City Hall on the 18th.

In Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture, where it was discovered that the welfare allowance was not paid in full and was paid on a daily basis of 1,000 yen per day or on a weekly basis of 10,000 yen per week, the welfare department kept the recognition stamp of the recipient. It was discovered that employees were using it to stamp documents. The city made the announcement at Mayor Keiji Araki’s regular press conference on the 18th.

◆Perhaps it has been a long-standing practice, but there is no explanation or receipt.

Normally, recipients must stamp documents themselves, but the Welfare Division received 1,944 recognition stamps, which were used to stamp receipts and other items for 86 households from fiscal 2018 to the end of November this year. In at least one of these cases, the seal was affixed without the recipient’s permission. The number of recognition stamps in custody exceeds the number of welfare recipients in the city (527 people) as of the end of November.

Takayuki Koyama, head of the Welfare Division, explained, “It is likely that the child was kept for various reasons, such as it being difficult to come to the center, but it leaves room for fraud.It was not the correct operation.”He said that he would no longer use the child. He said that the stamps were kept at the time he started welfare, and said, “It’s not clear when they started doing this.Currently, we don’t have any new stamps.” This may have been a long-standing practice within the department, and no specific explanation was given to recipients, nor were they issued with receipts.

◆Four new cases of split payment revealed

In addition, the city reported to the city council that there were a total of 10 split payments in FY2022 and FY2013, but an investigation after FY2018 revealed four more split payments since FY2021, bringing the total to 14. It was revealed that Materials from 2017 and earlier no longer exist because their retention period has passed.

At the press conference, Mayor Araki apologized, saying, “I deeply apologize to the recipients and citizens,” and said that he will set up an internal investigation team by the end of this year and a third-party committee by the end of January next year to investigate the actual situation and investigate the cause. announced its intention to raise the (Kenichi Komatsuda)

◆“The city cannot be expected to self-purify”

Story by Keita Sakurai, Ritsumeikan University Associate Professor (Social Welfare)I have never heard of anyone storing well over 1,000 seals. This is a problem that affects the credibility of the administrative organization, as it is impossible to confirm whether the money actually went to the person in question. Perhaps he had stopped thinking because he was following the precedent. Since the city cannot be expected to self-clean itself, a thorough investigation is needed by a third-party committee whose members are well-versed in the law and public welfare practices.

2023-12-18 21:00:00
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