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Welcoming World Osteoporosis Day 2021, Anlene Holds Virtual Discussion About Bone Health

Anlene Documentation

In order to welcome Osteoporosis Day 2021, Anlene held a virtual discussion about bone health that Grid.ID participated in on Tuesday (19/10/2021).

Grid.ID Reporter, Devi Agustiana

Grid.ID – In order to celebrate the Day Osteoporosis which falls on October 20, 2021, Anlene as a bone nutritionist, he held a series of programs to educate the public about the importance of maintaining bone health, joints and muscles.

This moment as part of a risk-reducing journey osteoporosis in October, November and December 2021.

Held virtually, this year, Anlene also collaborated with Kak Seto on the TikTok channel.

Over there, Anlene invites the Indonesian people to be active by imitating the sports movements usually done by Ka Seto in order to protect bone health, joints and muscles.

According to Rhesya Agustine, Marketing Manager Anlene, Fonterra Brands Indonesia, “Fonterra Brands Indonesia through its brands, Anlene, is a pioneer in prevention initiatives osteoporosis. Recognized and supported by the government & other organizations in programs & activities every year,” said Rhesya in a written statement received by Grid.ID, Tuesday (19/10/2021).

There have been many activities Anlene in order to educate about bone health to society.

For almost 2 decades, Anlene with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, Assembly Osteoporosis Indonesia (Perosi), and the Association of Indonesian Healthy Bone Citizens (Perwatusi), support each other in various prevention education programs osteoporosis to the Indonesian people.

Also Read: Stay Healthy by Consistently Doing Physical Activities during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Anlene Holds ‘Anlene Virtual Race’

For example, in 2002 during the Determination of the Day Osteoporosis National (HON) in Indonesia by the Indonesian Ministry of Health and witnessed by Anlene, Perosi, and Perwatusi.

In 2008 the Launch of the 10,000 Step Movement campaign, the largest walkathon event during Hari Osteoporosis National, attended by Mr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, the 6th President of Indonesia, and attended by more than 10,000 participants.

Then, in 2018 the ‘Let’s Move Indonesia’ Campaign was launched which invites Indonesians to always have a healthy and active lifestyle.

Disease osteoporosis is a condition that cannot be taken lightly.

According to International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) 2020, osteoporosis is a systemic bone disease characterized by a decrease in bone strength, so bones can break easily.

In fact, data from Infodatin Osteoporosis 2020 states that 2 out of 5 Indonesians are at risk osteoporosis.

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