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Welcoming World Diabetes Day, Come Join in Checking Free Blood Sugar

Report from TribunJakarta.com journalist, Pebby Adhe Liana

TRIBUNJAKARTA.COM, JAKARTA – November 14, is celebrated as World Diabetes Day.

In celebration of World Diabetes Day, Eka Hospital performed an examination blood sugar free for individuals who do a drive thru rapid test.

Head Public Relation & Marketing Eka Hospital Erwin Suyanto reveal, disease diabetes is one of the comorbidities that are often found in Covid-19 patients.

For that, through this activity Eka Hospital wants to invite the public to care more about disease diabetes.

“In the momentum of Diabetes Day and in the current pandemic era, Eka Hospital invites the public to be more concerned with disease diabetes, “said Erwin, Wednesday (4/11/2020).

As is well known, diabetes is a chronic disease caused by disruption of the metabolic system in the body which causes increased blood sugar levels.

Diabetes is also often referred to as diabetes or blood sugar.

Many say that diabetes is a hereditary disease.

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In fact, unhealthy lifestyle factors, obesity or lack of physical activity can also trigger it diabetes.

Examination blood sugar routinely, can help doctors in diagnosing the presence or absence of risk diabetes on someone.

Inspection activities blood sugar while (GDS) for free is done throughout the Eka Hospital branch.

Among them are BSD, Pekanbaru, Cibubur, as well as Bekasi using the Accu-Chek method which is claimed to have an accuracy of above 95%.

Illustration of Blood Sugar Test (goldokter.com/TribunWow.com)

Patients who undergo a drive thru rapid test can enjoy this free service from November 1 to 30, 2020.

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