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Welcome to your worst nightmare

“Know that your home is watched every day. I welcome you to your worst nightmare.” This is how he recites an excerpt from an anonymous letter sent to a woman from Treviso.

“Life is not a film” – is the title of an old piece of music from Article 31; but sometimes it looks a lot like him. A woman from Treviso knows something about it who, as in the TV series “The Watcher”, has seen a rather disturbing letter delivered to her home. “Dear apartment owner, it’s time for you to know that his house is observed every day. I welcome you to your worst nightmare”, reads the incipit of the letter, sealed with lots of sealing wax and left on the front door of an apartment in Treviso.

The bare lines are signed by “the observer” and the decidedly singular story refers to the Netflix series inspired by the true story reported in the magazine “The cut” signed by Reeves Wiedeman. In June 2014, threatening handwritten letters began to arrive in New Jersey in the new house purchased by Derek Broaddus and his wife Maria at 657 Boulevard.

The case had a large media following until it became a successful TV series. Now the same script is being replicated in Borgo Treviso where, on Friday, a lady found this letter outside her home. “I opened it and I got scared”the recipient told the Gazzettino, explaining that she immediately called her son, who revealed the obvious connection with the TV series. “She told me to be calm, which is probably a joke. But I’m worried. I went to the police and filed a complaint”.

Above all, the last lines do not let the lady sleep peacefully: “She will soon discover what is hidden within the walls of her home – we read – I really like the fact that she never, or almost, closes the door. She will find a surprise “.

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