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Welcome to spring in Teotihuacan

Faithful to the event, thousands of national and foreign visitors filled the City of the Gods, Teotihuacan, this March 21, to welcome Spring, fill with energy and ask for a new cycle, even when the equinox entered on March 19 at 9:26 p.m.

Regardless of the fact that the sun was beating down, tourists stood in the Plazas del Sol y la Luna, in front of the pyramids and on the Calzada de Los Muertos, to raise their arms towards the star at 12 noon.

At that time, in the Plaza del Sol, a group of dancers from the Continua Tradición Tezcatlipoca group performed a ritual where they danced and placed a saumerio with incense and clay and obsidian figures on the ground.

They made conch shells and flutes sound roars of jaguar Dozens of visitors participated in the ceremony, most dressed in white, who raised their arms and asked the four cardinal points to be filled with energy for a new cycle. Then, in an atmosphere of hubbub, applause rang out.

On the Causeway of the Dead there were also esoteric rituals with songs to Tonatiuh. Likewise, thousands stood in front of the pyramid of La Luna.

It means a lot to us to be here at the pyramids this day, to renew energy and learn. It’s great to explore the archaeological zonesaid Oralia Martínez, from Morelia, Michoacón.

I come for my mom’s birthday and to receive the solstice because of this whole concept of receiving energy and good vibes, which I think is a very good thing.said Rafael, from Mexico City.

We really like to talk about energy and feng shui; We come to recharge ourselves for the whole year and may it be one of happiness, grace and prosperity; every year we come without failsaid Teodora Imelda Calleja Hernández, from Pachuca.

Visitors carried quartz and obsidian amulets, others bought them from merchants in the archaeological zone, who also offered crafts such as obsidian, clay or glass pyramids, necklaces, whistles and figures of jaguars and Teotihuacan warriors.

This year, as in previous years, climbing to the top of the pyramids was restricted.

The National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) reported that it held Operation Spring Equinox 2024 from March 21 to 24, in which elements and personnel from government agencies at the three levels participate.

The archaeological zone of Teopanzolco, located in Cuernavaca, Morelos, was almost not visited this March 21, the day that marks the beginning of Spring. From the 20th to the 24th of this month, the Spring Equinox 2024 operation is carried out in the archaeological zones of the entity.

Only about 10 visitors dressed in white arrived in Teopanzolco, like Juanita Morales, who maintained that lately the custom of visiting the sites in spring has been lost in that place. to be filled with good energy and to thank our ancestors, life, the four vital elements and reflect on what good things we are going to leave for the following generations..

In this area, located in Cuernavaca, are the temples of Tláloc (god of rain) and Huitzilopochtli (god of war), built in the image of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan, and other minor sanctuaries.

In addition to the archaeological zone of Teopanzolco, Tepozteco, in Tepoztlán, also had little influx; Xochicalco, and Chalcaltzingo.

In Jalisco, some people visited the archaeological ruins of Ixtepete, where cleanliness and native dances were performed to usher in Spring

In Yucatán, the archaeological zone of Dzibilchaltún remained closed to the public for the first time in more than 20 years by orders of the INAH, due to remodeling works carried out by the agency. In any case, the god Kin (Sun) entered the Temple of the Seven Dolls without bureaucracy.

#spring #Teotihuacan
– 2024-04-08 21:11:15

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