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Welcome to Babylon – Inside Paradeplatz

There, where the languages ​​became confused and therefore the largest tower of its time, with which the elites wanted to show their power, collapsed.

Babylon is no longer between the Tigris and the Euphrates, but in Europe – with Switzerland in the center.

One thing is certain: the situation has seldom been as confusing as it is today. The seven federal councilors in Bern, who are responsible for the political, economic, cultural and social leadership of the country, don’t know what to do.

You almost broke off negotiations with the EU. You throw yourself into the arms of the United States, be it out of necessity or out of spite.

You have an energy strategy from the era of Doris Leuthard, but it doesn’t work. A cold winter is just around the corner. Germany, help! France help! But they need their own juice.

You, Alain Berset first and foremost, have been fighting against the Covid epidemic for two years, but at the same time against the less insightful cantons and an anti-vaccination front, which is led by Federal Councilor Ueli Maurer, who focuses on the Zurich Oberland and Appenzell rural people supports.

The “strong men” trychlen loudly against all reason.

The communication problems of the Swiss elite are big, but small when we look across national borders.

The Roman Catholic Church had the worst week because “the daughter of Rome”, France, turned out to be a murderous brothel.

Over 300,000 children and young people were sexually abused and raped by the mostly Catholic priests.

Yves Kugelmann, a calm and well-considered man, editor-in-chief of Tachles, JM Jüdische Medien AG, wrote: “The organized crime syndicate church”.

If this were to happen to the Muslim religions, the western media world would cry out against the violation of human rights that we hold so high against other states.

The Swiss Roman Catholic Church also fell silent in a dazed silence. The image catastrophe is total, the number of people leaving the church will increase massively, especially among young people.

Today’s apostles no longer have a language.

The stupidest vote of the week came from Zurich. Peter Indra, head of the Zurich Office for Health, called Switzerland on German television “a good-natured dictatorship” that is already coping with the Covid epidemic.

Where was the media training, for which the Canton of Zurich spends hundreds of thousands of francs every year?

Indra can still be improved. His boss, the Zurich SVP government councilor Natalie Rickli, did not want to comment on the statement of her chief official.

Where is the responsibility?

Rickli is currently getting ready to take a top position – in the fight to succeed Ueli Maurer in the Federal Council.

Any word can be a source of error. Ueli Bremi, a prominent liberal from Zurich, already knew that. Anyone who has not understood this is the centrifugal artist Alain Berset.

For months, the SP Federal Council known as “Womanizer” has been throwing itself against the procrastinators in the fight against Covid. That is exactly his fault.

The BAG would have to fight this. But BAG boss Anne Lévy rarely appears at the front. Every now and then, unspeakably awkward BAG employees have to rush to help.

Result: Berset wears out for his chief civil servant.

This is Babylon. Where everyone talks, but hardly anyone listens. Everyone is talking at once, leadership no longer takes place.

Up until 30 years ago, Switzerland was at the forefront of modern and successful advertising and public relations.

Today all of this has been forgotten. The young communication people run into the Internet, engage stars like Roger Federer (for “On”) or are looking for suitable influencers who seek attention with bedroom sex.

What a mess.

Company bosses are no longer built, but hide behind art collections. This applies to Michael Ringier, Ueli Sigg and Walter Kielholz, whose management mistakes at SwissRe cost the shareholders a lot of money.

Peter Spuhler, who was once considered a star, fights like Laocoon against the snakes, with crises that threaten his young empire.

Christoph Blocher builds his private museum in Herrliberg with works by Ferdinand Hodler, which a hundred years ago were referred to as poster art.

Who should the Swiss people believe? The church no longer. The politicians less and less. Especially not for the entrepreneurs.

Meanwhile, the young green politicians and the left-wing destroyers of the system are multiplying like pigeons on the market square. They don’t sow and they don’t reap, but they claim the right to redistribute everything.

Welcome to Babylon! Or withdraw elegantly.

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