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Weinstein makes million settlement with sexual abuse prosecutors

Former film producer Harvey Weinstein has reached a settlement of nearly $ 19 million ($ 16.9 million), potentially ending a major lawsuit over sexual abuse. The attorney general announced this on Tuesday. The deal has yet to be approved by a federal court.

The settlement concerns two matters. It is the case brought by the New York Attorney General against Weinstein, his production company and his brother. The other case revolves around a so-called class actionlawsuit in which nine women accuse Weinstein of sexual abuse and harassment. According to the deal, the victims of the lawsuit are each entitled to an amount between $ 7,500 and $ 750,000 (6,682 to 668,194 euros). Also, the women who previously agreed in a nondisclosure agreement to keep silent about what happened to them can now speak freely about the events.

The Attorney General writes that the victims of the settlement “finally get some form of justice.” However, there is also criticism. The lawyers of six of the women who accuse Weinstein of sexual abuse call the deal a “full sale.” Douglas Wigdor and Kevin Mintzer criticize, among other things, the fact that Weinstein does not have to take responsibility for what he has done. “We are going to object strongly in court,” they write in a statement.

In 2017, dozens of women came forward with allegations of sexual transgressive behavior by Weinstein. The allegations kicked off the #MeToo movement, which drew women’s attention worldwide to sexual abuse and harassment, including in the workplace. The former Hollywood producer was found guilty of rape and sexual assault by and against two women earlier this year. He has been sentenced to 23 years’ imprisonment.


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