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“Weekly protests against government lose steam in Tel Aviv”

Also this Saturday evening and for the 21st consecutive week, demonstrations against the government were taking place in Tel Aviv as well as in other places in the country.
Like last week, it is clear that the weekly meeting of government opponents is running out of steam.

A few tens of thousands of people, all over the country, at most, were present this evening. One of the proofs of the weakening of the mobilization is the lack of communication posted on the number of participants by the media, which were usually generous with their count.

In Tel Aviv, Moshe Ya’alon gave an offensive speech: “We are here to remind those who may have forgotten that this is a battle for the face of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state. We are here because we are not ready to give up democracy. Do you think it’s normal for an indicted man to run the government? Do you find it normal that he destroys the state to reign? Are we ready to be hostages to a government of deserters, racists, homophobes and corrupt people? “.

Earlier in the afternoon, Labor Party leader Merav Mihaeli spoke at a protest in Pardes Hanna. She was booed copiously by the participants: “It is because of your ego that we are in this situation”; “When are you going to quit? Go home, you have destroyed the Labor Party! », are cries that we could hear. The demonstrators reproach him for his refusal to ally himself with Meretz during the last elections, which had caused the rout of the historic left with only 4 mandates for the Avoda party and zero for Meretz.

2023-05-27 20:41:20
#Demonstrations #government #decline

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