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Weekly Overview: Breast Reconstruction, Unhealthy Lifestyle, and More – National Healthcare Guide Updates

Every Friday we prepare a weekly overview for you in which we briefly look back at the most striking, interesting or important news items per working day. This week, the news included forced breast reconstruction after amputation, cancer due to an unhealthy lifestyle, an overtired nurse who wanted to give twins sedatives and the difference between different healthcare policies. In this weekly overview the most important events of this week.

Monday: Women who do not want reconstruction after mastectomy are not heard by doctors

Doctors do not listen to women with breast cancer who do not want breast reconstruction after an amputation. Of the 450 women who participated in Pointer’s research on this subject, more than 50 percent say that oncologists only want to discuss reconstruction in the consultation room. Wanting to continue living without breasts doesn’t seem like an option.

Tuesday: What is the difference between a kind, combination and reimbursement policy?

Are you considering switching to another health insurance policy? Then you will undoubtedly come across the various types of health insurance that insurers offer. There are three types of policies: the most common in-kind policy, the combination policy and the reimbursement policy. Most insurers offer an in-kind policy, the combination policy is on the rise and the reimbursement policy is slowly being phased out. But what are the different ones and which policy suits you best?

Wednesday: Overtired nurse wanted to administer a strong drug to twins

An overtired nurse wanted to give twin toddlers a strong sedative so she could have a restful night. She admits to filling a syringe with phenobartibal twice, but never administering it.

Thursday: Warning for pediatric oncologist who reported too early to Veilig Thuis

A pediatric oncologist who pressured the parents of a 9-year-old boy with a brain tumor to have him undergo chemotherapy and radiotherapy has been warned by the health care disciplinary board. The parents wanted to try an experimental immunotherapy in 2019, but the oncologist wanted to convince them to let their son undergo the standard treatment.

Friday: A third of all cancer cases in the Netherlands are due to an unhealthy lifestyle

New research by TNO on behalf of the Dutch Cancer Society shows that a third of cancer cases in the Netherlands are caused by an unhealthy lifestyle and living environment. By making it easier for people not to smoke, to eat healthy and to follow the applicable sun advice, approximately 40,000 cases of cancer can be prevented every year.

By: National Healthcare Guide

2023-11-24 15:27:00
#Week #unwanted #breast #reconstruction #healthcare #policies #disciplinary #colleges

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