But the Pleiades also symbolize uncontrollable passions, which is why the saying goes with them: “There is never enough love…” They also cause vision problems in the sense of inner vision, you just don’t recognize that you’re running into trouble. So don’t forget yourself somewhere, you should wear a coat out of shame and you shouldn’t be seen by a few people for a long time.
It will be really fun on the holiday, the omnipresent generous and all-embracing atmosphere also confirms the meeting (conjunction) of Jupiter’s space partners with the Sun. You will read about Jupiter in many places that it is directly the “jewel” of the zodiac, because all problems are solved with its help. Yes, he is a wise philosopher, kind-hearted, pompous, but he lacks critical thinking and practicality. Moreover, next to the proud and active Sun, he will not listen to practical advice, because it would hurt the ego of his majesty. So enjoy life to the fullest, but follow the saying: “Drink half full and eat half full.”
On Tuesday, April 11 at 11 p.m., two exceptional astronomical and astrological events will occur simultaneously, which will “play to the tune of each other”. The first will be Jupiter in the heart of the Sun (cazimi), which is a powerful constellation. Because it reveals the opportunities you miss and allows you to expand where you think it’s impossible. So, until the weekend, don’t underestimate the ideas that just randomly pop into your head, you can turn them into tangible results.
The second event of this day, under the auspices of the messenger of the gods, Mercury, which travels to the greatest eastern distance (extension, elongation, dichotomy) from the Sun this year, deserves the same. He will be in the most objective Epimethean phase that can ever occur. So you will guided by past experience, common sense and facts, and although you will undertake something bold, you will have it thought out in detail. Thanks to Mercury, you will get the most out of the beneficial conjunction of Jupiter with the Sun.
Beran (21. 3. – 20. 4.)
You will be proud of yourself. You won’t need a helping hand or advice at work or in your free time, because you can handle everything yourself. Thanks to this, even individuals who did not trust their knowledge, abilities or innate talent finally start to believe in themselves. Your horoscope indicates success in all areas of life and the only thing that could betray you is your health. You are at risk of hoarseness, laryngitis, but you can face it. As a preventive measure, strengthen your immunity with a greater supply of vitamins, hardening and regular gargling with a lukewarm saline solution or sage decoction.
Taurus (April 21 – May 21)
Those born around May 20 are especially at risk conjunctivitis, so don’t rub your eyes, outside, protect your eyes with dark glasses and regularly relax by looking at the greenery. If you’ve been wanting something for a long time, you’ll buy it around Wednesday. In the following days, you will either have to travel “undercover”, a secret business or work meeting, or a visit to a person whose freedom is restricted cannot be ruled out. The great thing is that throughout the week you will be tenacious, patient and so resourceful that you can reverse the wheel of fate. And what played against you, you turn to your advantage.
Since contemporaries are constantly staring at monitors or displays, sight is one of the most stressed senses. According to the horoscope, for example, eye yoga will help you.Photo: nikkimeel, Shutterstock.com
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
Mercury sailing through your spiritual sector will endow you with clairvoyance, and thanks to this temporary gift, you will be able to avoid situations that would end in a collision. In addition, you will have your hearing activated to the point that you will “hear the grass grow” and hear something that will come in handy the very next week. You probably have an important meeting ahead of you turns into a long-standing, loyal and influential friendship, which will even help you get among the cream of society.
Rak (22. 6. – 22. 7.)
If you have a fake individual around and you haven’t seen through it yet, that will change. His maneuvering, duplicity, and alibis will be so blatant and so disgusting that he will forever be scarred by you. Huge a breakthrough awaits you in your career. You convince your boss, customers or clients of your qualities and trustworthiness, for example, by saying that someone else makes a mistake, you correct it and see it through to the end. If you are publicly or artistically active, from day to day you will rise professionally among the elite.
Lev (23. 7. – 22. 8.)
If someone in the family suffers from a chronic disease, their health may deteriorate on Monday, but after that everything will return to normal, so don’t stress. The good news is that there will be relief for individuals who have been stuck in a long-standing conflict or legal dispute, as the matter will finally be settled. The dream starts to become a reality if you wish to travel overseas, study or work abroad. You will all start without distinction far more understanding with father, father-in-lawsimply a man who has authority in your family.
Your desire to settle abroad for at least some time can come true in no time. Planetary constellations therefore encourage you to get the necessary documents in order. Photo: Day Of Victory Studio, Shutterstock.com
Panna (23. 8. – 22. 9.)
At the end of the week, someone will “fall out of your sight” due to fanfare or questions that won’t make sense. Something positive will happen in connection with family property, for example, it is also possible that the co-owners of the company will be offered its exclusive ownership. As you will have a lucky hand when investing, if you have money lying around, contact your bank advisor. You won’t lose! Do not hesitate to respond to the incentive to join the project at work, you will soon become a team leader.
Libra (September 23 – October 23)
Be careful when handling fire in the apartment and in the cottage, because the horoscope at the beginning of the week warns you of the risk of fire. The constellations will be in your favor for the next few days, especially Jupiter conjunct the Sun in your cardinal (angular) sector of successful alliances. It will create opportunities for you to establish a solid business partnership, find employment, suitable housing and if you are single, an opportunity to get to know each other. Of course, the saying applies to you too: “He who goes nowhere, meets nobody.”
Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)
Until Tuesday evening, distance yourself from individuals who are known for excesses in public. If you party with them, you’ll be in trouble, and on top of that, they’ll stop contacting you people whose friendship you care about as well as what they think of you. If you are unemployed or your business runs from ten to five, respond to every offer. Under the auspices of Jupiter, it can be predicted that one of them will have a positive impact on your professional sphere for several years to come. Others are also waiting for expansion in the work area, which can also be a promotion or a bonus to study while on the job.
There is a real chance that you will advance significantly in your career. However, the stars warn you that you should rather forgive yourself for actions that smell of embarrassment, shame or misfortune.Photo: fizkes, Shutterstock.com
Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)
If you feel that luck is against you, you will find out the opposite. Especially when your partnership has slipped into a stereotype, the desire to return to it is so great that you flirt with each other even on the street. If you are parents, you and your offspring will begin to understand each other as not for a long time, and since the horoscope of your sign does not rule out a win, you should bet; potential investments will also end up with an above-standard profit. Constellations also awaken your dormant potential, and when you start to hone your skills, they can pay you handsomely in the future.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 20)
The first days of the new week will sometimes be soft. You will see scenery that will be similar to who you are as if through a photocopier experienced in childhood. From this nostalgic mood Fortunately, you will be cured by something joyful in the family. If you are on terms with your parents or significant others, your mutual relations will improve so much that you will probably start planning a vacation together. You have nothing to complain about from a financial point of view either, because the constellations indicate an improvement in your income, which also applies to self-employed people and artists.
Aquarius (January 21 – February 20)
When you decide to go out into nature, don’t forget to pack and use repellent. Your the horoscope indicates an insect sting or bite, which would make it difficult for you to function normally, not to mention possible longer-term health complications. The days after Wednesday can be compared to a kind of crossroads. They will be suitable for starting education, including retraining, which would ensure a better and stable standard of living in the future. Whether you use it depends on your personal horoscope.
Pisces (February 21 – March 20)
If it is not necessary, do not get behind the wheel on Monday and Tuesday. You can’t concentrate properly and the ride could end with, for example, a scraped fender. If you are running a business, you will receive outstanding payments around Wednesday, employees can expect a salary increase. In the second half of the week, during the discussions, you will find out things that will make your head spin. Relatives and friends will confide quite regularly, so you will learn a lot about their privacy that you had no idea about, but also about yourself, because they will be unbelievably honest.
Affirmation for this week: I only invest my energy in activities that I understand and have control over…