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Weekly horoscope April 18-24, forecasts sign by sign by Branko!

What the forecasts dell’Branko’s weekly horoscope from 18 to 24 April. Which of you will be lucky in love? Who will receive good proposals at work and will have to seize all opportunities on the fly? Enough with the questions because here you are in the right place: we just have to find out everything with Branko’s forecasts!

How will the week from 18 to 24 April be for the stars according to theBranko horoscope? The astrologer through the weekly Who has interpreted the stars and reveals what will be the signs that during this week will have to face some problems and which, instead, will be able to carry out great projects accompanied by a favorable sky for the whole week.

Five stars for the natives of Aries. According to Branko’s horoscope, an excellent week awaits you. Too many thoughts lead to confusion in your Aries head. It is true that luck often helps you but, since Venus will leave your zodiacal space on Wednesday April, organize yourself so that you can deal with the most important things for the future in the days of the new Moon, which is formed in the sign on Monday. The triumph of love is one of the most important events of this third week of April. Favored the encounters with those born under the sign of Gemini, you cannot escape its insistent presence.

Four stars for those born under the sign of Taurus. According to Branko’s astrological forecasts, a very good week is expected. Indeed, it will be the most beautiful of those experienced since the beginning of the year. The Moon changes phase in Aries and as soon as it becomes New it enters your sign, together with Venus. You will suddenly be happy not only for the success or for the money, but for how you manage to settle some family matters in a definitive mood; something unexpected might happen in your intimate life. Encounters with the natives of Capricorn are favored, a sign that brings certainty in intimate relationships.

Four stars for the Gemini natives. According to Branko’s horoscope this is a very good week. Even if you have a lot to do and the work doesn’t go on without you, give yourself some rest. Even if you feel that you are physically strong and sexually unsurpassed, your kidneys, bronchi and liver require your utmost attention. Some innocent madness on Monday is not ruled out. Encounters with those born under the sign of Aries are favored, and remember that a caress is worth a thousand words.

Three stars for those born under the sign of Cancer. According to Branko’s astral predictions, a good week awaits you. If in the moments of unpleasant Moon you think that the day will come when you will not have thoughts and desire for love, you are wrong. Love will return and reach its maximum splendor on Wednesday, thanks to Venus in the sign of Taurus. The planet of luck and love will remain in that friendly sign until early May. In the meantime, don’t do anything you might regret in the job. The New Moon is a liar. Encounters with the natives of Sagittarius are favored, a sign full of surprises and suspense.

Four stars for the natives of Leo. According to Branko’s astrological forecasts, a very good week is expected. On Monday the Moon becomes New in the sign of Aries. For you too it is a springboard to new successes and new business. Remember, however, that planetary changes are expected in the month of April that will put you in difficulty precisely in the professional sector; for this reason you must take every opportunity that arises by April 19th. Venus helps you achieve success. Uncertain sky in the health sector. Encounters with those born under the sign of Libra are favored: party guaranteed.

Four stars for those born under the sign of Virgo. According to Branko’s horoscope this is a very good week. You don’t call yourself a bureaucrat, but you love precision. In this regard, the news of the third week of April are positive and clear, also for work and collaborations. Monday Mercury acts in Aries and the Moon becomes New in that sign, an important signal for your different path. Precisely on that day two magnificent novelties come to life: Moon and Venus meet in the sky of Taurus, after a year of absence. If you want to make some conquests, you have to bring out all your sex appeal, because Mars is not going to help you. Encounters with the natives of Aries are favored, a sign of passion.

Three stars for the natives of Libra. According to Branko’s astral predictions, a good week awaits you. Your vital tone is low. Headache, ringing ears, neck pain. Maximum caution on Monday, when the Moon becomes New in the sign of Aries, you have to check some issues that you have set and realized this year. If there are disputes, it will be better to react on Wednesday, when Venus transits in the sky of Taurus together with the Moon, the wheel of fortune will turn again. Does the partner make up lots of excuses? Check them out! Encounters with those born under the sign of Aries are favored: marriage guaranteed.

Four stars for those born under the sign of Scorpio. According to Branko’s horoscope, it looks like a very good week. The most important initiatives must be completed by April 19th. On that day the Sun will begin its annual opposition and reopen old discussions in societies and in marriage. Fortunately, you are very good at dealing with the trials that life presents to you. The New Moon on Monday is great for the economic sector; Wednesday Venus-Moon in Taurus will give you crazy moments in love. There are marriages without love, but also loves without marriage. Favorite encounters with the natives of Aquarius, a sign recommended by Jupiter.

Four stars for the natives of Sagittarius. According to Branko’s astrological predictions this is a very good week. Work is going great thanks to the New Moon in the Aries sky (Monday). This moon phase is capable of involving all the zodiac signs, but is more likely to save Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. In this new week you absolutely have to put some of your personal grudges on the side and start a new collaboration. April also brings hope to the sector dedicated to personal life, to the family. Passion loses a few points, but money is what gives you so much satisfaction. Don’t pretend to be modest. Encounters with those born under the sign of Aries are favored, moments of madness are guaranteed with them.

Three stars for those born under the sign of Capricorn. According to Branko’s horoscope, a good week awaits you. By temperament, nature and intimate emotions, the sign of Capricorn is not made for family life. This does not mean that you are not good parents and loving spouses, but the people around you do not always understand your needs, your desire for solitude. Every now and then you should run away somewhere. For example, Monday, with the New Moon in the Aries sky, really impossible! Wednesday many things begin to change, Venus transits in the sign of Taurus with the Moon, in short, in the end you find yourself in love. Favorite the encounters with the natives of Taurus, your Saint Patrick and with them go back to the origins.

Five stars for Aquarius natives. According to Branko’s astral predictions, an excellent week is expected. The stars have big plans for you. You have to concentrate well on business and work, meetings. Monday, Mercury and the New Moon in Aries support your plans. Furthermore, you must absolutely sign any agreement: make sure the sincerity of the people who present ideas, projects, initiatives to you, as a brief but critical transit of Venus in the sky of Taurus begins. On that very day, you feel weak, your head is spinning, your legs show signs of instability. Favorite encounters with those born under the sign of Leo, a purebred lover.

Four stars for those born under the sign of Pisces. According to Branko’s horoscope this is a very good week. Young people of the sign must be more concerned with sports and driving a car; avoid scooters. When a Pisces falls, it’s always an action movie fall. Try not to waste time thinking about distant journeys: success and love are close to you: open your eyes well. After the New Moon in the economic sector, on Monday, you will find it together with Venus in the sky of Taurus on Wednesday. This means that the situation is starting to improve and blue can be seen in the sky. Encounters with the natives of Cancer are favored, a sensual sign that gives an overwhelming, sometimes jealous, dramatic love.

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