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Weekly horoscope – 2024-09-07 21:58:46

ARIES (21.03 – 19.04)

Festive occasions in the coming days – pain, but you will skillfully balance your own interests and those of others. For the Little Mother of God, Aries may pick up their long-standing plans, Monday will prompt them to show patience, Tuesday – and diplomacy towards partners and collaborators. From Wednesday, the results will make you very happy, as will the changes in your personal sphere, but you will be discreet about them. On Friday, examine every detail in work and relationships, difficulties are to be overcome, but without rushing, if necessary – you will help someone else first.

TAURUS (20.04 – 19.05)
A difficult 7 days, and if something gets in your way, don’t be in a hurry to overcome obstacles. Next to the Little Mother of God, Taurus will stay away from uninvited advisers, on Monday there will be better chances for performance and income, but there are also uncertainties… On Tuesday, master the criticality of others, on Wednesday act independently on all tasks, and from Thursday you will stabilize business and personal alliances. Then think about your long-ago plans and ambitions, you will have conditions for them. You will find reliable support mainly from those close to you.

GEMINI (20.05 – 20.06)
This 7-day period is more dynamic, during the weekend pay attention to household chores. The twins will not forget the affairs either, they must be approached strictly if they have to settle administrative and financial details. On Monday clear up the backlog of activities, on Tuesday take into account the schedule of loved ones and the demands of your bosses, on Wednesday you will not be praised much, so take care of your relaxation and tone. The next few days are difficult, and you too can create more anger if you decide that your success is tied up in a towel.

CANCER (21.06 – 21.07)
The dynamic is also growing with you, but it also makes you approach the facts more philosophically. During the weekend, Cancers may receive profitable business offers, on Monday they will explore things, on Tuesday there will be a lot of difficulties in undertakings, and they have to deal with them themselves. From Wednesday to Friday, you show enviable perseverance, you overcome both obstacles and intrigues, often your unpredictability, you probably don’t like to think about possible losses… On Thursday, many will ask for favors, if they control their ambitions in the future, relationships will strengthen.

LEO (22.07 – 22.08)
During the weekend, many will deal with domestic issues, but the period is also good for the sign’s career ambitions, a rise in the hierarchy, income are likely. On Monday, Lions pick up their old business plans, there will be difficulties, they will cope. Tuesday is more risky, be vigilant and less critical of others, spare them. Let the ladies take into account the program of loved ones, not only with their desire for leadership and career, and the gentlemen take part of the household cares and thus also influence the loved ones for their good choice…

VIRGO (23.08 – 22.09)
This weekend you are more critical of others, there is a reason, but don’t complicate the relationship. One, that you are not right about everything, secondly, some Virgos can end up breaking up like that. On Monday, be patient in implementing your plans, on Tuesday take care of your financial stability, on Wednesday – about business alliances, but build them patiently, consistently. Your ambitions for an official appearance are not small, however until Friday you should remain in the shadow of more influential colleagues, acquaintances and if you discuss important topics, be lenient.

LIBRA (23.09 – 22.10)
The seven-day period is hectic, but it is beneficial for you, next to the Little Mother of God, you clear out a bunch of backlogs at work and at home. Libras will patiently clarify problems with their loved ones, understanding with loved ones has won them wings. Monday and Tuesday will bring gains, on Wednesday you may go on a journey or start researching topics important to you. It won’t be easy, but you will persevere on Thursday and your efforts will attract sympathy, followers. On Friday, you are surrounded by friends and like-minded people, you also create new alliances…

SCORPIO (23.10 – 21.11)
You have big ambitions during the period, but already from the weekend things will not line up according to hopes. Scorpions should stock up on self-control, others will need encouragement and guidance. On Monday, don’t wait for praise for your efforts, on Tuesday emphasize your concession to loved ones, on Wednesday help them do their work on time and with better quality. Unexpected chances will open up to you, and you also rely on stable relationships, so you will not be influenced by gossip and intrigue in the office, you quickly deal with obstacles

SAGITTARIUS (22.11 – 21.12)
During the period, you attract a lot of sympathy and support for your business ideas, from the weekend you also fulfill promises to relatives, colleagues, acquaintances. Well, on Monday Sagittarius should focus on work, income is important to them. From Tuesday to Thursday, you take it easy, you don’t ask for advice from anyone about your tasks. Not that you are proud, now you prefer to clarify the details in person, as well as to talk about sensitive topics. On Friday, changes begin that will please you. You build dream intimate relationships, and relatives and friends encourage you.

CAPRICORN (22.12 – 20.01)
The period is dynamic, but you are aware of how important details are in affairs and you will impose moderation on yourself. On Monday, Capricorns should follow a stricter regime, on Tuesday they should deal with important tasks independently. Later, you will also think about cooperation, but first you need to clear up a number of misunderstandings with bosses, colleagues or acquaintances. On Wednesday-Thursday, approach the topic most tactfully, you need to catch the right time to intervene in a dispute. Friday brings a lesson not to over-salt any meal, and loved ones are easily affected…

AQUARIUS (21.01 – 19.02)
Now there are many occasions to celebrate, from Little Virgin some are in a mood to party. Are they not neglecting important domestic matters?… On Monday, Aquarians are looking for new chances for appearance and income, let them arrange the administrative details as well. From Tuesday-Wednesday, difficulties are looming at work, do not rush to show your creative flair. Thursday and Friday hide risk, be aware of more influential people, do not allow interference in your decisions and control ambitions. This is no time for flirting and flings, unequal relationships hurt.

PISCES (20.02 – 20.03)
To Malka Bogoroditsa, you run away from companies, and also from relatives who want to interfere with you. On Monday, Pisces should forget criticism of others, there are difficulties at work, but they are not insurmountable. On Tuesday you benefit from participation in other people’s projects, on Wednesday you focus on your own, but do not rush to share them with others. Thursday is nerve-wracking, you may be overly demanding of colleagues, partners, acquaintances. On Friday, it is appropriate to consider new ideas about appearance, income, things and on a personal level, they line up easily despite your fears.

Source: https://offnews.bg/zvezdi

The post Weekly horoscope first appeared on Burgasnews.

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