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Weekly Flash | News | A French patient urgently needs O-negative blood

Urgent call for O‑negative blood donations in Phuket: Save lives now! There is an urgent appeal for blood donations in Phuket, particularly targeting blood group O-negative.

The humanitarian organization RH-Emergency calls on the Population and international Besuch­er to take part in the vital blood donation campaign.

A French patient urgently needs O‑negative bloodand the availability of this blood group is in Thai­land beson­ders knapp. The Red Cross Phuket has been designated as an official donation point to meet the needs.

Die News was spread via a Facebook post that highlighted the urgency of Sit­u­a­tion emphasized and the Bedeu­tung the donation for the Ret­tung of a life.

The appeal is addressed to everyone, especially to donors from the West, as this blood group is rarely found in the Thai population occurs.

In the recent Entwick­lung the restrictions for blood donors from the Vere­inigten Kön­i­gre­ich, Frankre­ich and Ireland lifted so that international donors can now also make their contribution.

This is an important step to increase blood reserves and secure supplies in Phuket.

In addition to the urgent request for O‑negative blood, the Phuket Regional Blood Centre (Phuket RBC) to the Bürg­er and Touris­ten to participate in the blood donation campaigns during the Songkranpublic holidays to contribute.

This Ini­tia­tive is not only intended to raise awareness of the importance of blood donations, but also to promote good cheer during the Songkran Festival The need for blood supplies is critical and supplies in Phuket RBC are alarmingly low.

Donating O‑negative blood is particularly important because this universal blood group in Not­fällen is often needed.

The call to action aims to Gemein­schaft and mobilize international visitors to Phuket to meet this urgent medical need.

This Ver­anstal­tung refers to Ein­heimis­che and tourists alike to replenish medical blood reserves and thus contribute to improving Gesund­heitsver­sorgung in Phuket.

Phuket News reports that donations are of great importance to the current Crisis The appeal, especially for O‑negative blood, is intended to ensure the vital Hil­fe while stimulating the donor community.

Use the Gele­gen­heitto get involved and save a life. Your donation can make a difference. For more Infor­ma­tio­nen to donate blood and to register for a donation, visit the official Web­site of the Red Cross Phuket or contact the Phuket RBC.

Photo: Thailandischen Rotkreuzgesellschaft via Phuket News

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