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Weekly Blitz | News | Mother Supaporn Kanjana seeks legal support

A mother demanded justiceafter her daughter died in police custody on suspicion of drug offences, and laid Proofs for suspicious circumstances and missing Hab­seligkeit­en before.

The mother, 56-year-old Supaporn Kanjana from Prov­inz Buri­rambrought Photos and a death certificate for Patarapong Suphakson, a well-known Attorneyand asked for Hil­fe following the death of her daughter, 30-year-old Suphansa Mongkuthong, who was in police custody.

Suphansa was born on 12. July around 2 a.m. from the police von Mueang Area in Buri­ram for drug offenses festgenom­men and died the next day of Kreis­lauf– and respiratory failure, with the Ver­dacht on toxic substances.

Several suspicions caused the mother Sor­gen. Suphansa was under Schock and bewusst­los ins Kranken­haus Later, the police informed her mother that Suphansa had taken a large amount Metham­phet­a­min in Wass­er dissolved to destroy evidence, which led to a fatal shock.

However, the police initially informed the mother that her daughter had suffered a serious Autoun­fall This discrepancy raises the question of why medical help was not sought immediately if Suphansa actually had a large amount of Dro­gen had taken.

When Suphansa’s mother picked up her things, she found everything except her underwear, which seemed unusual. She also had scratches on her legs and Kör­p­er and valuable Gegen­stände.

Suphansa wore a gold­ene Hals­kette worth 2 Bahtwhich, however, is fake was replaced, and a golden Arm­band worth five baht was missing. Only her iPhonea Bud­dha-Tags, a bag and personal items were returned.

Supaporn decided to take her daughter’s body to Autop­sie to Siriraj Hospital to find out the true Todesur­sache Due to these suspicious circumstances, she sought legal assistance from a lawyer to gather evidence and regional Criminal Court for Kor­rup­tion and misconduct in Surin Beschw­erde to demand justice for her daughter and to bring those responsible Polizis­ten to Rechen­schaft to pull.

The lawyer stated that the mother’s request for help was Doubt in the death of her daughter while in police custody, which was due to several suspicious points, including missing belongings, the absence of underwear and signs of possible Attack on the daughter’s body.

Given the thailändis­chen Geset­ze against enforced disappearances and torture, the question arises whether the arresting Officials adhere to the legal regulations or acted improperly.

The mother decided due to a lack of trust, legal action instead of relying on their Vorge­set­zten to report. Police Colonel Somchai Soponpanyaporn from the Polizei­wache Khu Mueang said that on July 12, police arrested a Verdächti­gen with 600 Metham­phet­a­m­in­pillen arrested Suphansa as Liefer­an­ten I have specified.

The police then organised an undercover operation to buy 400 pills from Suphansa. When they Auto to deliver the drugs, she locked herself in and tried to destroy evidence by dissolving methamphetamine in water and drinking it. The police smashed the car window to to arrest.

At first she seemed fine, but within five minutes her condition worsened and she was transferred to Khu Mueang Hospital and later to Buriram Hospital. Police also said that Suphansa, who was initially Shorts carried, from her car long Pants because she was cold.

The police showed the mother the footage of the Fes­t­nahme and coordinated the Unter­suchung of the Autos with forensic Expertswhile waiting for the autopsy results from Siriraj Hospital.

The police confirm that they are fulfilling their legal obligations and are providing the State Public Prosecutor with evidence in the form of Videoauf­nah­men While the police regret Suphansa’s death, which was probably caused by the ingestion of a significant amount of methamphetamine, they are committed to investigating any Über­prü­fung open and willing to explain the facts. Suphansa has already been 2016 and 2023 for drug offences and is currently on probation for the latter case. Kau­tion free, reported Khao Sod.

Photo: Khao Sod

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