Mainz/Saarbrücken (dpa/lrs) – According to the forecasts, the weather in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland will continue as before: There will be rain and thunderstorms at the weekend, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Friday. Temperatures will reach 18 to 21 degrees and 16 to 18 degrees at higher elevations.
According to the DWD, the showers are expected to subside on Saturday night, before it can continue to rain on Saturday from noon, the DWD announced. Temperatures reach between 19 and 23 degrees at most.
Sunday night is expected to be rainy with occasional thunderstorms. For Sunday, the DWD expects dense clouds and more showers and thunderstorms. The temperatures reach a maximum of 19 degrees. Strong to stormy winds can also blow on Sunday.
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