Offenbach (dpa / lrs) – A mix of sun and clouds with pleasant temperatures awaits the people of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland over the long weekend. The bridge day starts out cheerfully before later, especially in the Palatinate, some clouds pass through, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Thursday in Offenbach. The maximum temperatures on Friday are between 17 and 20 degrees.
The night to Saturday will remain dry, according to the meteorologists. The temperatures drop to ten to seven degrees, in the Eifel to up to three degrees. On Saturday there will be alternating sun and clouds, with the possibility of a few showers. The maximum values are between 17 and 22 degrees.
According to the weather experts, people in Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland can look forward to a summer of 23 to 27 degrees on Sunday. However, there will be a few showers and thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening. Local heavy rain is not excluded.
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