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WEEKEND, Vast Disruption will threaten Italy over the weekend. Update Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th »ILMETEO.it

Weather: WEEKEND, Vast disturbance will threaten Italy over the weekend. Update Saturday 13 and Sunday 14

Weather forecast for the weekendOur Official APP confirmed i fears of the last days in view of the weekend: a vast disturbance will hit a large part of Italy next weekend, provoking rains e temporal.

But let’s go in order by analyzing the latest updates for Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 November.
Towards the end of the week the tireless Mediterranean vortex which for days has been blocked (and active) between Sardinia and the Balearic Islands, will finally lose energy, with a consequent attenuation of the instability over a large part of Italy, except for the latest showers which may, needless to say, persist on the two major islands.

But be careful, there will be no victory to be claimed. Not even the time to enjoy this ephemeral improvement, which a impulse of cold air of polar origin will be able to breach the anticyclone present on central-northern Europe, finding an opening for sink on the Mediterranean and hook the “cyclonic swamp” (large area of ​​low pressure) which will still be present on our basins.
From all this one will come to life disturbance, ready to hit many of our regions.

Going into the forecast detail, a Saturday 13 November rather dynamic, with precipitation initially mainly for the central regions and for those of lower Tyrrhenian.
As the hours go by, however, time is expected in worsening also in the North, due to the approach of disturbance which will cause diffuse between the afternoon and the evening rains and even the return of snow over the Alps, around 1800/1900 meters of altitude.

Sunday 14 will be a gray and typically autumn day species for much of the Center-North dove rains and even some storm they can affect most regions, especially the most westerners. Given a drop in temperatures, the name it can go down to i 1400 meters, in particular between Piedmont e Valle d’Aosta.
It won’t get better again at two o’clock Major islands, where it will be advisable to keep an umbrella at hand due to the more than real risk of new rains.

Vast disturbance on a collision course with ItalyVast disturbance on a collision course with Italy
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