Self love on paper
The week started with a guest lesson from Stjoer. A voluntary organization that helps people take the wheel into their own hands when they are dealing with psychological and/or social vulnerability. Experience experts Coco (24) and Sanne (21) told about their intense life stories. Thoughts like ‘I’m worthless’ and ‘it must be just me’ caused them to lose their self-love. But with help from others and working on themselves, they were able to rule out these thoughts and put themselves back on number one.
Self-love played an important role in this, although it is not always easy. So they asked the students to think together about ways to love yourself. ‘Do nice things’, ‘compliment yourself and others’ and ‘take time for yourself’. Everything was put into a word web. The students then made mood boards about what self-love means to them. They carefully cut out quotes and images from the stack of magazines.
In this low-threshold setting, the conversation with the experts by experience continued. A real eye-opener for some students: “I think it’s special to hear that people experience things like this. That reminds me not to judge too quickly.” Afterwards, the students were allowed to explain their mood board. Because concretizing what makes you happy is already a step in the right direction.
Flyers, bracelets and condoms
On Tuesday and Wednesday there were information booths in both Heerenveen and Leeuwarden, manned by enthusiastic students from Care, Service and Welfare. Among other things, they discussed possibilities for support with questions or problems in the field of sexuality and identity. But it was also festive: plastered with heart balloons and a rainbow flag, they handed out condoms and bracelets, which created a pleasant crowd.
Another interesting guest lecture was that of Blootnood. The foundation that is committed to Positive Sex Education visited Heerenveen on Thursday to talk to the students about sexuality, boundaries and wishes. By placing the chairs in a circle, using nameplates and a fun round of introductions, trainers Bram and Lotte created an open and safe atmosphere in the room.
The guest lecture started with a minute in which the students were allowed to write down all the words they associated with sexuality. The target? Just to say the words. From there they entered into a dialogue through a personal story from Lotte and assignments about possible situations. Questions like, “Does it just happen when you kiss?” Or do you have to ask first?’ and ‘If you sleep together in the same bed, do you always have to have sex?’ were discussed. Everyone with their own vision. Because, everyone has different limits and wishes. Not always easy to indicate this, but by asking questions you not only help each other, but also yourself.