hope: and hopeceballos. thank you forjoin us on this Monday.adriana: hope, welcomeback. today starts theprogram to vaccinate thoseare confined at home innew york city. theinterested parties should call thevaccination linecity or visit the websitethat appears on the screen. forthose who can go to avaccination center, theWednesday March 17 Aprilthree new centers andexpands the reopening ofcondition.today it was the turn of theparty rooms and thisFriday will reach customers athe restaurants. Javier dida tour and shows us howpeople adapt tochanges.[hablan en ingés]javier: natalie and jonathanthey chose this day as someof the most important of yourlife, today they are celebrating theirwedding. from today placesof weddings and events reopen innew york with restrictions.“We are very happy,that’s what we wait untiltoday, “said the bride.the groom thanked godfor getting back to normal.but the photographer did not stayatás and said be gratefulfor having a job again.and is that those places canserve 50% capacity witha limit of 150 people.must do prior tests ofcoronavirus to attendees.they should use husks andallows dancing with distanceSocial. furthermore, it must be carrieda record of attendees.the mayor in conference ofpress said things areimproving and that one of theexamples is the arrival of thejohnson & johnson vaccine.he said he hopes to receive itearly. the mayor spoke aboutof the new initiative toreach out to residents ofnew york foundconfined to their homes.if they cannot go to get vaccinated,we will get to them.Javier: made special emphasisin what for May 1hope they are eligible forvaccination. there are even thevegetables on the way. MrsGuadalupe owns arestaurant.He says that he hopes to be able to soonput the vaccine and itfind waiting for aavailable space. Remember that