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“Wedding only man-woman, for gay couples ok a Pacs”

The Pope explained that “if those who are homosexuals want to lead a life in safety, the States have the civil possibility to support them, give them security on the inheritance, on health. The French have the law on this, not only for homosexuals but for all people who want to associate “without marrying: but marriage is marriage. This does not mean condemning people who are like this: please, they are our brothers and sisters, and we must accompany them “.

“But marriage as a sacrament is another thing – he repeated -. Whether there are civil laws that they want to associate to have the health service or other things dedicated to them, these things are done, like the French Pacs”. “Sometimes confusions are created – Francis pointed out -. We must respect everyone. The Lord is good and will save everyone, we can say this aloud. But please, do not let the Church deny her truth”.

“Abortion is murder, but bishops are pastors on communion”

Abortion is “a murder”, it is like “hiring a hitman to solve a problem”, but on communion with politicians who defend the choice of women “the bishops must act as pastors: in the history of the Church, all the times that the bishops handled a problem not as pastors took sides on the political side, “Francis said in response to reporters on the return flight from Slovakia.

When asked what he thought of the discussion among the American bishops on the possibility or not of giving communion to President Joe Biden, an advocate of freedom of choice over abortion, the Pope replied that he “never refused the Eucharist to anyone,” even if I don’t know if anyone has come in this condition. Never refused communion to anyone “.

Vaccini, “deniers even among cardinals”Another theme addressed by the Pope on the Bratislava-Rome flight was Covid. “Even in the college of cardinals there are deniers and one of these is hospitalized with the coronavirus, an irony of life”. The Pope refers to Cardinal Raymond Burke, known for his denial positions on Covid, hospitalized in the United States with the infection. “I don’t know how to explain it well, some are afraid” to get vaccinated because the vaccines “are not tested, but we must clarify and speak in sincerity. In the Vatican all vaccinated, except a small group”.

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