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Wedding of Queen Biz: a marketing ruse well orchestrated by the artist – Senegal7

By disclosing her alleged marriage on social media platforms, Queen Biz managed to create quite a buzz around her. Fans and media quickly seized on the news, congratulating the singer on this milestone in her life. However, it quickly turned out that this nuptial news was not what it seemed, but rather an ingenious promotional strategy for her brand new music video titled “Validated.”

The revelation: marriage or promotion?

However, the veil of mystery was lifted when Queen Biz released a teaser video for their new music video, “Validated,” along with a revealing message. She explained that the wedding announcement was actually a bold promotional strategy to draw attention to her latest artistic creation. This revelation was met with mixed reactions, with some praising its marketing ingenuity while others expressing disappointment at the unexpected tactic.

The impact on the media and fans:

Queen Biz’s strategy has undoubtedly had a significant impact on media and social networks. Articles and discussions online exploded with speculation about his alleged marriage, generating free publicity for his new music video. The media played a key role in spreading this news, once again demonstrating the power of social media and public attention.

On the fan side, reactions were varied. Some have praised Queen Biz’s creativity, recognizing the need for artists to stand out in an increasingly competitive music landscape. Others, however, expressed frustration over the fake wedding news, highlighting the risk of losing fans’ trust.

Queen Biz managed to capture the public’s attention with a unique and bold promotional strategy. Although some may be disappointed by the fake wedding announcement, it is undeniable that the singer has managed to create media buzz around her latest music video, “Validated”.


2023-12-08 20:59:14
#Wedding #Queen #Biz #marketing #ruse #orchestrated #artist #Senegal7

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