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Wedding industry: Bridal couples panic after announcement of measures

“Most cancellations are from weddings in the first and second quarter of next year. Those bridal couples are now the most panicked,” says Frederiek Klop, wedding planner and chairman of Stichting Trouwbranche Nederland.

“The couples who have their wedding planned in the shorter term have been working on a different interpretation for a few weeks to continue their day.”

Sorrow, pain and misery

For example, Klop has recently seen a lot of creativity among bridal couples. “Instead of a dinner and evening party, they bring it forward by organizing an extensive lunch, or they start with a party at 3 p.m. That goes very well if that is allowed until 8 p.m., but now the end time is 5 p.m. becomes a lot less attractive.”

Klop speaks of ‘a lot of grief, pain and misery, among bridal couples, but also among wedding locations and entrepreneurs’. “Fortunately, it is not the most hectic period of the year in terms of weddings. All that is still there are mainly marriages that have been rescheduled once before.”

Postponed again and again

Matrimonium, the association for wedding officials, notices that there is unrest among bridal couples. “People are still planning their wedding, but much more subject to change. There are couples who have to move their marriage for the third time,” said a spokesperson.

Now that the measures have been tightened up again, the association expects it to rain cancellations again. “People often find it very difficult to make a choice in guests, so they postpone it.”

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