Home » today » Technology » Wedding bells: Würzburg model Anna Christina Schwartz is now called Lindner

Wedding bells: Würzburg model Anna Christina Schwartz is now called Lindner

Würzburg model Anna Christina Schwartz may have kept her hands off the beer mug at Oktoberfest recently. Beauty’s baby bump is growing, as reported, Höchberger’s woman is not only pregnant, but is also engaged to her friend Heinz Lindner. But the status of the Lower Franconian native and the Austrian football goalkeeper has secretly changed. Anna Christina Schwartz’s name is Lindner, it shows a photo of the Wiesn that the Würzburg native recently shared on her Instagram profile.

There she can be seen in a decent dirndl at the Schützen-Festzelt at Oktoberfest and holds a ring with a chic twist for the camera. On her traditional dress tag, a clothespin, she is called “Mrs. Lindner”. And so she makes it public by writing: “Now officially Mrs. Lindner.”

The Lindners have a son

The young love between the 32-year-old football professional and the model is crowned by a son. On Instagram, the model, who has already been in front of the camera for Dior, allows fans to share their baby’s joys. She is in her 25th week of pregnancy and Höchberg’s woman also shares pictures of her from her “little boy” ultrasound.

On Instagram, Höchberger’s woman would like to continue to be called Schwartz

With a baby on the way, Schwartz is now not only in love and engaged, he is also married. But what about his prominent surname in the scene? While Anna Christina Schwartz took the surname of her current husband Heinz Lindner, she wants to remain “one more Schwartz” on Instagram. So also exactly how their 300,000 followers and even some Würzburg residents know.

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